
  • 网络five spirits
  1. 五种精神教育是学校德育教育的永恒主题

    Five Spirits Education is the Perpetual Theme in College Moral Training

  2. 五种精神的提出是新时期历史发展的必然产物。

    Five spirits the necessary products in the new - term history development .

  3. 现代德育应突出五种精神的培养

    Modern Moral and Ethics Education Should Stress the Cultivation of Five Kinds of Spirits

  4. 五种精神的培养是大学生素质教育中的重中之重

    Mastering the " Five spirits " is the most important thing in college students quality education

  5. 弘扬“五种精神”是抓住机遇加快发展的客观需要,是实践“三个代表”重要思想的内在要求,是高校新一轮发展,增强竞争力的紧迫课题。

    To carry forward " five spirits " fits in with the needs of " three representativeness ", and is urgent to the development of our colleges and universities .

  6. 人源于自然又要超越自然的矛盾产生了五种精神需求,但主要是归属和超越的需求。

    The contraction that human being arise from the natural but surpass the natural produces five kinds of spiritual needs , but the main are the demands of adscription and surpassing .

  7. 阐述了以科学的理想信念为核心,以对历史的了解为基石和以五种精神为主要内容的当代中国社会主义社会发展的精神动力。

    And describes sprit impetus of socialistic development , of which cone is scientific ideality and faith , of which main content is " Five Sorts of Spirit ", and of which basis is comprehending of history .

  8. 五种有效的精神激励方式;(7)因地制宜地培养本土科技人才。

    Five effective motivation methods , and ( 7 ) to nurture local technologic talented persons properly .

  9. 高校学术权力的生成基础可以归纳为五种:1.精神权威,即人们对现代大学的敬仰和信服,这是学术权力生成的精神基础;

    The generative bases of academic rights of higher education fall into five types : ( 1 ) spiritual authority-people 's reverence and conviction to modern universities , which serves as the spiritual bases of the generation of the academic rights ;