
wǔ xiānɡ fěn
  • five-spice powder
  1. 经济衰退促使味好美五香粉公司(McCormickSpices)打破了内部传统观念&从一家调味品制造企业升级并重新定位为健康经济膳食专家。

    The recession led McCormick spices to challenge its internal orthodoxy that it was a spice manufacturer and position itself instead as an enabler of healthy and affordable meals .

  2. 还用FinniganMat-8230B色谱质谱联用仪测定比较了电子束辐照,加热法(120℃,30min)对五香粉香气组分含量的影响。

    The flavour composition in the five-spicc powder irradiated by electron beam was also determined by Finnigan MAT-8230B gas chromato graph-mass spectrometer . and compared to the results by heating treatment ( 120C , 30 min ) .

  3. 亦为五香粉原料之一。

    Is also a " five-spice powder " raw materials .

  4. 中国超市可以买到五香粉。

    Buy five spice powder in the Chinese supermarket .

  5. 的常见有机酸和无机酸含量,结果表明对于辣椒粉和五香粉,辐照均未引起酸含量的显著性变化。

    The results showed that the acids content of either chilli or the five-spice powder irradiated with a dose of9 .

  6. 更好吃的是紧实的小春卷,上面撒着椒盐,椒盐里加有五香粉和碎干菇等细小配料。

    Better are the tight cigarillo spring rolls , dusted with salt intensified by five-spice and crushed dried mushrooms , among other fine intrusions .

  7. 由同一个体花粉或精子实现的受精。市售复合调味品五香粉和咖喱粉的精油抑菌作用

    Fertilization by the union of male and female gametes from the same individual . The Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oil in Spiced Powder and Curry Powder

  8. 第一印象是草本香料里面埋酒精的气力-檀香,丁香,五香粉-用烧焦的橙色和苦巧克力触摸。

    The first impression is of alcoholic power buried inside woody spices sandalwood , cloves , allspice with a touch of burnt orange and bitter chocolate .

  9. 所以,他们自己做五香粉、刀削面,以及腌芥菜、辣豆瓣酱和豆豉等基本配料。

    So they are making their own five-spice powder , hand-cutting noodles and home-brewing basics like pickled mustard greens , chile bean paste and fermented black beans .

  10. 多汁的杏和李子与波兰香肠串在一起,然后涂上橙果酱和五香粉组合,不可抗拒的味道,香甜的可口组合。

    Juicy apricots and plums are threaded with Polish sausage then coated with an orange marmalade and five-spice powder combination for an irresistible sweet and savory flavor mix .

  11. 配料表:精黄肉、盐、糖、酒、五香粉、味精、卤水料、乳酸钙、辣椒红、山梨酸钾。

    Ingredients : Fine leg beef , salt , sugar , wine , five spices power , gourmet power , brine , calcium lactate , paprika red , potassium sorbet .

  12. 结果表明,五香粉和咖喱粉精油有不同程度的抑菌作用,五香粉精油的抑菌能力高于咖喱粉精油。

    The results showed that obvious difference in antimicrobial activities existed in the two essential oils . By comparison , the general antimicrobial effect of Spiced powder essential oil is higher than that of Curry powder essential oil .

  13. 沙拉通常是由白色和青色的萝卜、胡萝卜、生姜、萝卜和生鱼片(一般为三文鱼)组成,用含有五香粉和香酱片的梅子酱浸湿。

    The salad is usually made up of white and green radish , carrots , pickled ginger , radish and slices of raw fish ( commonly salmon ), drenched with a fragrant dressing of plum sauce and five spice powder .