
jiǎo zi xiàn
  • dumpling filling
  1. 她已经把饺子馅和好了。

    She had already mixed the stuffing for the dumplings .

  2. 碎鸡蛋是中国常见的饺子馅。

    Scrambled egg is a popular filling for Chinese Jiaozi ( dumpling ) .

  3. 同时准备好一些饺子馅,馅可以是蔬菜也可以是肉。

    Also get some filling ready . It can be vegetables or meat .

  4. 饺子馅是怎么做的?

    How is the filling of dumplings made ?

  5. 把盐、佐料、蔬菜和肉混合,搅拌成饺子馅。

    2 the salt , the seasoning , the vegetables and the meat mix , stirs thestuffed dumpling stuffing .

  6. 麦克:饺子馅有荤馅、海鲜馅、素馅等等。

    Mike : And fillings for dumplings could be meat , seafood , vegetables , or a mix of everything .

  7. 火腿还可以煮,意大利北部的人们习惯用火腿做饺子馅。中部的人们用它和蔬菜放在一起煮。

    Prosciutto can be cooked . In Northern Italy , people use prosciutto as dumpling fillings , and in Central Italy it 's boiled with vegetables .

  8. 今年死猪舰队格外庞大的原因之一在于,死猪的来源地浙江省最近采取了措施阻止农户向不法商贩出售病死猪。这些不法商贩收购病死猪,是为了将死猪肉做成饺子馅。

    One reason for the unusually large fleet of porcine corpses this year was because Zhejiang province , where the pigs died , has recently tried to stop farmers selling diseased pigs to illegal traders who make them into dumplings .