
  • 网络five kingdom
  1. 你们有时候会问师父:您怎么不马上带我到第五界去?

    Sometimes you may ask me , why dont you take me to the fifth realm immediately ?

  2. 如果我在往生前就达到第五界的话,可以在这里帮助师父多一点。

    If I work to reach the fifth level even before I die , ill be able to help master better here .

  3. 我会尽力保持它,甚至使之更为美好,于尘世这里以及将来的第五界天堂。

    I will strive to ensure that our connection remains like this or becomes even better , here on earth and later on the fifth level .

  4. 这一新发现非常振奋人心,因为有迹象表明:可能存在第五种科学界尚未知晓的自然力。

    But this new finding is creating a lot of excitement because it contains hints that there might be a fifth force of nature that 's completely new to science .

  5. 羚羊的一种在攻击以后花了一些时间并且有一条五米的界外线。

    The Springboks spent some time on attack and had a five-metre line-out .

  6. 海伦是一位人类意识学领域的权威作者,著有五本获得评论界高度赞誉的专著。

    Helen is the author of five highly acclaimed books in the field of human consciousness .