
  1. 并且由此阐释了幸福的三个基本特性:主观性与客观性,真实性与幻象性,相对性与绝对性。

    Then it explains the three basic characteristics of happiness : subjectivity and objectivity , truth and illusion , relativity and absolute .

  2. 继而从法兰克福学派大众文化批判理论的角度对当代中国大众文化快乐幻象的局限性进行阐述。

    Then from the Frankfurt School critical theory popular culture point of view of contemporary Chinese popular culture , " Happy Phantom , " explained the limitations .

  3. 通过选择,我们首先意识到电影作为意象原型的无处不在,威勒克自己创作的图像达到一个新的表现强度和幻象的自主性。

    By choosing first to acknowledge cinema 's omnipresence as a reservoir of prototypical imagery Willeke 's own painted images achieve a new intensity of expression and a new'illusionistic'autonomy .

  4. 从《后现代主义的幻象》看现代性与后现代

    Modernity and Post - Modern : From the Point of View of the Illusions of Postmodernism