
  • 网络quantum resonance;QRS;ZL-QRS
  1. 量子共振对肿瘤患者维生素C和微量元素硒的研究

    Research Level of Vitamin C and Microelement Se inside of Patient with Cancer by Quantum resonance

  2. 量子共振检测仪(Quantumresonancespectrometer,QRS)是一种应用中国针灸和量子医学的理论研制的检测人体生命活动状态的医疗仪器。

    Quantum resonance spectrometer ( QRS ) is used as medical equipment for testing and measuring people 's healthy condition , which is based on Chinese traditional acupuncture and quantum medicine .

  3. 低温下的伏安特性(I-V)曲线直接展现了量子共振隧穿峰的存在。

    Current-voltage ( I-V ) curves at low temperatures directly exhibit the existence of resonant tunneling peak .

  4. 从描述囚禁离子与驻波激光场相互作用的Jaynes-Cummings(J-C)模型出发,导出了囚禁离子谐振动单量子共振激发相互作用的非线性J-C模型。

    Starting from the Jaynes-Cummings ( J-C ) model describing the interaction of a trapped ion with a standing-wave laser field , we derive the interaction Hamiltonian on the nonlinear J-C model of the trapped ion excitated resonantly with 1-quantum vibrational mode .

  5. 采用量子共振检测仪VEGA,通过进行全脑开发与多元智能训练,我们分别测定了青少年实验组(16人)和对照组(10人)的能量过筛值。

    The paper presents the brain exploitation and allround aptitude training . We test the youngsters energy screen results of the experimental team ( 16 ) and the normal team ( 10 ) ( have the brain exploitation and allround aptitude training ) by the quantum resonance spectrometer VEGA .

  6. 量子共振检测仪的原理及在不同年龄层人群中的应用

    The Theory and Application of Quantum Resonance Spectrometer in Different Age Groups

  7. 量子共振检测仪诊断肿瘤130例

    130 Examples of Tumors Diagnosis Via Quantum Resonance Spectrometer

  8. 量子共振隧穿二极管的频率特性与分析

    Frequency Characteristics and Analysis of Quantum Resonant Tunneling Diodes

  9. 量子共振检测仪在南极医学研究中的应用初探

    A preliminary report of the application of quantum resonance spectrometer to Antarctic medical research

  10. 量子共振检测仪的应用

    Application of quantum resonance spectrometer

  11. 同时在我们改进后的方案里,高阶量子共振可以更有效的被激发。

    For our improved scheme , high order quantum resonance can be stimulated to display directed current more efficiently .

  12. 对预防医学的应用,诸如流行病学调查,需藉助于量子共振检测仪的检测,此适用于基层应用。

    Applications in preventive medicine such as epidemiological survey used quantum resonance spectrometer , that adapted to field application .

  13. 目的探讨CQRS-Ⅱ型量子共振分析检测仪在血液系统恶性肿瘤中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the role of CQRS - ⅱ quantum resonance spectrometer in the diagnosis of hematological malignant tumor .

  14. 第四章,我们用数值求解含时薛定谔方程的方法,研究超分子磁团簇[Mn4]2体系的量子共振隧穿过程;

    In chapter 4 , we study the quantum resonant tunneling in supermolecular magnetic cluster [ Mn_4 ] _2system by means of the numerically exact solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation .

  15. 另外本论文还涉及到磁体系宏观量子共振相干现象中的一个独特的效应:对于某些具有高对称性的磁系统,量子隧穿行为强烈依赖于磁性颗粒自旋的奇偶性。

    One of the most striking effects in magnetic MQC is that the tunneling behaviors seem sensitive to the parity of the total spin in single-domain magnets for some spin systems with high symmetries .

  16. 最后对上述内容进行小结,并对Ge量子点共振腔增强型光电探测器的应用前景进行了探讨与展望。

    The underling importance of the Ge quantum dot resonant cavity enhanced photodetector is discussed and its prospects are offered .

  17. 文章介绍了最近在Fe(001)/MgO/Fe/MgO/Fe双势垒磁性隧道结中存在的量子阱共振隧穿效应的理论研究工作。

    We discuss recent theoretical research on QW resonances in Fe ( 001 ) / MgO / Fe / MgO / Fe double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions .

  18. 从材料的生长、器件结构的选择等方面对1.55μm锗硅光电探测器的研究进展进行了综述,对Ge量子点共振腔增强型光电探测器的应用前景进行了探讨与展望。

    Recent studies on the 1.55 μ m photodetector are reviewed with focus on the growth of SiGe material and the choice of detector 's structure . The underling importance of the Ge quantum dot photodetector is also discussed .

  19. 当射频场振幅更大时(约大于3.5V),观测到双量子跃迁共振信号,信号幅度与射频场振幅成二次函数关系。

    Double quantum transition resonance signal is observed when rf field amplitude is more than 3.5 V. Relationship of signal magnitude and rf field amplitude is a squared function .

  20. 半导体量子阱共振隧穿特性分析

    Resonant Tunneling Characteristics for a Semiconductor Quantum Well

  21. 多量子核磁共振波谱学

    Multiple quantum NMR spectroscopy

  22. 在两量子点共振频率的中间,显示出相对低折射率色散、宽带宽、适宜于光通信的特性。

    In the middle of the two quantum dots resonance energy , it shows relatively low refractive index dispersion , large bandwidth and suitable for optical communication .

  23. 在光泵磁共振实验中观测到单量子跃迁共振信号幅度随射频场振幅增加而迅速增加,并很快达到饱和,然后单调缓慢下降的关系。

    In the experiment of opto-magnetic resonance , it is observed that single quantum transition resonance signal magnitude rapidly increases and goes to saturation , then slowly goes down with increase of rf field amplitude .

  24. Zn(0.76)Cd(0.24)Se/ZnSe多量子阱的共振喇曼光谱

    Resonant Raman spectra in zn_ ( 0.76 ) cd_ ( 0.24 ) se / znse MQWs

  25. 在测试温度范围内,通过量子点的共振隧穿过程在电流电压(IV)曲线中造成台阶结构,且使电流回路随温度的上升急剧减小。

    The resonant tunneling process , which may occur in some Schottky barriers , could induce steps on the I V curves in the measured temperature range and diminish the hysteresis loops intensively .

  26. (CdSe)l(ZnSe)3/ZnSe短周期超晶格多量子阱的共振Ramam谱

    Resonant Raman scattering in ( cdse ) _1 ( znse ) _3 / znse short-period superlattice multiple quantum wells

  27. 文章对有外源LCR回路量子化进行的研究,并讨论了经典及量子情况下共振和失谐的相似性。

    This paper quantizes an active LCR circuit and the similarity of the resonane and detune between classical and quantum processes is discussed .

  28. 多抛物量子阱的共振隧穿

    Resonant tunneling in multiple parabolic quantum wells

  29. 两量子点的共振频率的差异决定了慢光系数、吸收率和带宽。

    The difference of the two quantum dots resonance energy determines the absorption , slow factor and bandwidth .

  30. 首先,我们分析计算了量子点在共振激发下,通过改变控制光强可实现从快光到慢光的连续转换。

    Firstly , under the resonant excitation of the control light , we find that we can achieve continuous conversion from fast to slow light by change of the control light intensity .