
  • 网络volume
  1. 雕塑是量感的艺术,雕塑语言则是加量或减量的语言。

    Sculpture is one of arts of sense volume , its language is one of languages of adding or reducing volume .

  2. “但是,仅色彩和形态的形式相互作用才能传递特定情感,产生空间,量感,运动和光线的视觉感受,并创造出协调和张力。”

    " Yet , it is the formal interplay of colours and shapes that alone is capable of communicating a particular mood , producing optical sensations of space , volume , movement , and light and creating forces of both harmony and tension . "

  3. 包装画面的量感设计

    Visual attraction in the design of packaging appearance

  4. 从整体上强调了量感和形式感,测电量用感应测量仪表

    They emphasize a sense of forcefulness and beautiful shapes . induction instrument for measuring electrical quantities

  5. 数学高成就组学生在时间量感心理知觉测验上的表现显著高于数学低成就组学生。

    Students with high mathematical achievement show a higher performance on Psychological Perception Test compared to the students with low mathematical achievement .

  6. 舞蹈形式的最终目的和意义是以无限小的量感传递最多的思想和情感,发挥情感和思想载体的功能和价值;

    He says dances convey the maximum thoughts and emotions as well as exert the value and function of the emotional and ideological vehicles .

  7. 《空中之鸟》以纯粹的形式体现了雕塑的三种语言:体感、量感、质感。

    A pure form is used to express three kinds of sculpture language in The bird of space : the sence of volume , the sence of quantity and the sence of texture .

  8. 雕塑是体感、量感、质感的艺术,这句话用抽象的术语表述出来,也就是,雕塑是“存在”的艺术。

    Sculpture is the art of the sence of volume , the sence of quantity and the sence of texture . To express in more abstract terms , sculpture is the art of " existence " .

  9. 用网络分析仪在30MHz~1000MHz范围内测定了材料的透过衰减,分析了电感吸波材料的吸波机理及电感掺量和感量对材料吸波性能的影响规律。

    The mechanism of microwave absorbing and inductance quantity of inductance absorbing microwave materials and the influence rule of the induced current on capability of absorbing microwave are analyzed .

  10. 考虑了城市峡谷的阴影和辐射吸收效应,对城市的热容量、位温分布、辐射量以及感热通量进行了数值模拟。

    The urban heat capacity , potential temperature , radiant quantity and sensible heat flux are numerically simulated in consideration of heating / cooling of sunlit / shaded surfaces and radiation trapping effects in street canyons and heat store in building .

  11. 澳门公务人员压力感是由工作负荷量、无力感和不确定感三个因素构成。

    Stress scale for Macao Civil Servant structure by three factors , working load , powerless and uncertain .

  12. 结果发现:护士做的体力劳动量与疲劳感之间没有相关性。

    Here 's the topline result : There was no correlation between the amount of physical work the nurses did and their feelings of fatigue .

  13. 抗病材料的单株结瘤数和植株含氮量均低于感病材料,表明抗病材料苗期的固氮能力相对较差。

    The number of nodules and the content of nitrogen per plant in the resistant lines were lower than those in the susceptible lines , which indicated that the capacity of nitrogen-fixation in the resistant lines was relatively poor .

  14. 在8月潜热通量占能量支出量的62.85%,感热通量占32.85%,土壤热通量占4.44%。

    The latent heat flux , 62.85 percent of total energy ; and sensible heat flux , 32.85 ; while the soil heat flux , 4.44 in August .

  15. 结论降低或保持适度的职业任务量、职业责任感,明确职工工作要求和工作中的角色与职责,丰富其业余生活、提高其自我保健能力与理性处事能力是预防医师工作倦怠的重要措施。

    Conclusion Maintaining moderate professional duty and responsibility , clearly defining job requirements , enriching leisure activities , and improving self-care ability are important measures to preventing job burnout .

  16. 本研究采用青少年生活满意度量表,快乐感量表,青少年学生自我价值感量表和领悟社会支持量表对490名职校生进行调查分析。

    Questionnaire of Chinese adolescent life satisfaction ( QCALS ), happiness scale , the self-worth scale for adolescents and perceived social support scale ( PSSS ) were employed to study 490 vocational school students .

  17. 具体采用临床实验、访谈以及观察的方法,研究运用纽芬兰纪念大学幸福度量表、费城老年中心信心量表、幸福感指数、总体情感指数量表进行测量评估。

    The specific use of clinical trials , interviews and observation methods to study the use of Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness and Index of Well-Being , Index of General Affect to measure .

  18. 就静电平衡导体表面感应电荷量值与施感电荷量值之间的关系进行定性和定量的讨论,澄清学生对这个问题的模糊理解。

    In this paper , the relation between induced charge amount value and inducing charge amount value on static balance conductor surface is discussed qualitatively and quantitatively to clarify the student 's fuzzy understanding of this question .

  19. 采用一般状况调查表、疲劳评定量表、护士工作压力源量表、控制感量表收集资料。

    The author adopted fatigue rating scale , nursing job stress scale , perception of control scale to form a questionnaire to collect data .

  20. 结果表明,接种CCN后,SOD基因的表达量都明显增加,抗性品种的表达量明显高于感病品种。

    The result showed that the quantity of superoxide dismutase gene expression obvious increased after inoculation , and the expression level in resistant cultivars was more than that of susceptible varieties .