
  • 网络Model T;Production Car
  1. 阿根廷拉力赛也是本赛季量产车组别的第三站赛事。

    Rally Argentina will also count as round three of the Production Car World Rally Championship .

  2. 同时本站比赛也是本赛季世界汽车拉力锦标赛量产车组别的首演,以及相互独立的瑞典国家级比赛的首秀。

    The event also features the opening round of the Production Car World Rally Championship and a separate national rally for Swedish crews .

  3. 不过,可以自动驾驶的量产车正渐渐走近,因为“主动安全(activesafety)”的技术进步赋予他们越来越多的自主性以设法防止意外。

    But production cars that drive themselves are edging closer , as advances in " active safety " grant them increasing autonomy in an attempt to prevent accidents .

  4. 雷克萨斯把LFA称为检测新技术的试验台,但是我们恐怕很难在量产车的产品线里看到12汽缸引擎或碳纤维车身这些不切实际的技术。

    Lexus calls the LFA a test bed for new technology , but it is hard to see 12-cylinder engines or carbon-fiber bodies finding their way into the model range .

  5. LAVIDA朗逸的设计历程涵盖了从草图到最终量产车的全部过程。

    The design process of LAVIDA Langyi contained many steps ; the complete process from sketch to final model .

  6. 但是暂时来说,V12VantageS不仅是阿斯顿马丁生产的最快的量产车(或许只有One-77能出其右),也是你值得拥有的最独特、最华贵的跑车之一。

    For the time being , however , the V12 Vantage S remains not only the fastest street legal car that Aston Martin has made ( with the exception of the One-77 ) , it is also one of the most distinctively gorgeous sports cars you can own .

  7. 大众汽车现在是欧洲唯一一家能盈利的量产车企,而且正在大步迈向全球最大车企的宝座,因此公司的非家族股东对上述局面也没什么可抱怨的。

    The largest auto company in the world , its non-family shareholders have little to complain about .

  8. 塞纳并没有夸大:他对于驾驶拉力赛车知之甚少,他甚至没有带上比赛专用的手套,他以为这和驾驶一款量产车一样。

    Senna wasn 't exaggerating : he knew so little about driving rally cars that he didn 't even bring driving gloves , expecting the experience to be similar to a road car .

  9. 而更早的一个月前,在一场他熟识的量产车组别的比赛中,效力于意大利汽车运动车队的这位葡萄牙车手甚至有望跻身全场前十。

    More than one month on and on an event he knows well from his stint in the PWRC , the Portuguese will be a contender for a top10 finish in his Motorsport Italia entry .

  10. 预量产的车是当一个新车型面向公众销售之前允许汽车制造商发现问题的车辆。

    Pre-production cars are vehicles that allow the automaker to find problems before a new model goes on sale to the public .

  11. 现代社会汽车企业越来越重视概念车的设计,本文通过对量产概念车和品牌概念车的划分,说明了现代概念车设计的两种思路。

    This paper proposes two schemes for the design of the concept car , through the division of the production conception car and the brand conception car .