
  • 网络tailored;CUSTOMIZED;made to measure;made-to-measure;mtm
  1. 基于Web服务的数字化电子量身定制系统

    The Digital Electronic Made to Measure System Based on Web Services

  2. 基于Web的电子化量身定制服装系统的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Electronic Made to Measure Clothing System Based on Web

  3. 每位新人都有量身定制的培训和发展计划。

    All newbies are offered an individually tailored training and development programme .

  4. 钽垫块是通过计算机辅助设计和精确3d打印技术,为病人量身定制的。

    Tantalum pads are individually designed for patients by computer-aided design and precise 3D-printing technology .

  5. AppleWater就是专门为使用苹果公司产品的内行人士量身定制的:漂亮的包装,简单的方式,完美的高价。

    Apple water is designed especially for the Apple connoisseur : beautifully packaged , easy to drink , and perfectly overpriced .

  6. 去年,该校与杜克企业教育(dukecorporateeducation)创建了一家合资公司,提供量身定制的高管教育。

    Last year , it started a joint venture for customised executive education with Duke corporate education .

  7. 这是IBM智慧业务开发与测试云非常重要的特性,因为这允许您在运行时创建量身定制的实例。

    This is a very important behavior of the IBM Cloud because it allows you to create a tailored instance on the fly .

  8. 为了集合这5个国家的精华,希思罗机场同DesigninScent机构合作,利用与这些国家相关的材料制作出了这些量身定制的香味

    To conjure up the essence of the five nations , Heathrow worked with Design inScent , to produce tailor-made scents from ingredients associated with thedesignated country .

  9. 目前Oracle优化理论和技术都相对成熟,但针对特定类型的系统,却缺少量身定制的系统优化解决方案。

    Oracle optimization theory and technology are relatively mature , but for a particular type of system , but the lack of " tailored " system optimization solutions .

  10. 无论服装的网络虚拟试衣、电子化量身定制还是三维CAD系统,首先必须解决的是现有条件下快速、逼真地建立虚拟人体模型。

    No matter it is a virtual fitting , electronic web-based tailored clothing or a three-dimensional garment CAD system , we must first resolve quickly and more realistic to build virtual human model under current conditions .

  11. 同时,商学院院长还要应对高管教育日益加剧的竞争、量身定制和价格方面越来越大的压力,以及MBA市场日益收缩等问题。

    Simultaneously , the dean deals with both growing competition and increasing pressure on customisation and price for executive education , as well as a shrinking market for MBAs .

  12. 例如,您可以收到关于从Oracle中转换的一份免费的、详尽的业务案例财务分析,以及一份免费的、量身定制的技术评估和转换计划。

    For example , you can receive a no-charge , detailed financial analysis of the business case for switching from Oracle and a no-charge , customized technical evaluation and conversion plan .

  13. Tapas是基于Android平台的智能手机操作系统,专为中国市场量身定制。

    Tapas , a smart phone operating system based on the Android operating system , was built for the Chinese market .

  14. 此外,林斌和巴拉还提到,为各个市场量身定制基于安卓(Android)的米柚(MIUI)操作系统以及申请许可证等工作都需要投入时间和精力。

    More generally , Bin and Barra talked about the time and effort needed to tailor its MIUI Android-based operating systems for individual markets and obtain certification , among other things .

  15. G20的确强调各国有必要根据自身国情量身定制,出台促进增长的可信措施,以实现财政可持续性。

    The G20 did stress the need for our countries to put in place credible , growth-friendly measures , to deliver fiscal sustainability , differentiated for and tailored to national circumstances .

  16. 她是越来越多同类经理人中的典型:他们在20多岁时没有攻读mba,但如今认为,这项资格证书正是为他们量身定制的。

    She is typical of a growing number of managers who did not study for an MBA when they were in their 20s , but have now decided that the qualification is for them .

  17. 问题在于,很多cdo证券都很少交易,有些是投资银行为特定客户量身定制的,从来都不交易。

    The catch is that many CDO securities are infrequently traded and some are tailored by investment banks for specific clients and have never traded .

  18. 虽然snapchat的制造商坚持认为这不是他们的初衷和用途,但听上去确实像是为发布黄色照片内容量身定制的应用。

    Sounds like the perfect app for sexting , although Snapchat 's makers insists that 's not what it 's for .

  19. 与其完全通过提供附带条件的贷款方案来应对危机,imf现在希望预先商定资助计划,并根据相关国家的具体国情量身定制,目的是平息市场对于任何面临迫在眉睫的流动性紧缺的国家的紧张情绪。

    Instead of responding solely to crises with conditional loan packages , the IMF wants financing agreed in advance and specially tailored to individual countries . The aim would be to cool market nervousness over any nation facing an imminent liquidity crunch .

  20. 如果还没有注册成为MySpace会员,你可以申请一个免费账户,几分钟内就可以拥有一个为爱人量身定制的主页。

    If you are not already registered to myspace , you can sign up for a free account and within minutes you ` ll have a page dedicated to your sweetie .

  21. 目前,CureTogether和HealthTap公司共同赞助量化自我网站;HealthTap公司是一家为用户量身定制个人健康信息的企业。

    Now , CureTogether and a firm that personalizes health information for individuals called HealthTap sponsor the Quantified Self website .

  22. 思科统一JTAPI是用在企业环境结合起来,为的存在为基础的路由环境中的用户提供独一无二的量身定制,位置和喜好。

    Cisco Unified JTAPI is used in an enterprise environments to combine user availability , location , and preferences for a uniquely tailored environment for presence-based routing .

  23. 2010年,在筹备与阿南德的国际象棋世界冠军争夺战时,保加利亚特级大师维塞林•托帕洛夫(VeselinTopalov)曾透露,他正在使用IBM生产的拥有8192个处理器的蓝色基因/P(BlueGene/P)超级计算机,帮助他准备某些量身定制的开局。

    In 2010 , as he prepared to fight for the world chess crown against Anand , the Bulgarian grandmaster Veselin Topalov revealed that he was using IBM 's Blue Gene / P supercomputer , decked with 8192-processors , to help prepare some tailor-made openings .

  24. Gojee利用数据的方式是,与超市的优惠卡建立联系,了解顾客所购买商品的种类,并运用他们冰箱或食品储藏室里的食材量身定制网站所展示的菜谱。

    Gojee makes use of data by linking up with supermarket loyalty cards to learn which items have been purchased , customizing recipes it displays by what ingredients are actually in the fridge or pantry .

  25. 你所要学习的内容是专门为你量身定制的;

    The lessons you are presented with are specific to you ;

  26. 所以他们不认为这是为每一个人量身定制。

    And so they don 't think it 's for everybody .

  27. 然后,我们又加入了为每个客户量身定制的现金管理解决方案。

    Then we added cash management solutions tailored for each individual .

  28. 这部电影为演员量身定制了1万9千件服装。

    The cast wore a total of 19000 specially made costumes .

  29. 歌词插件是一个软件为音乐爱好者量身定制的。

    Lyrics Plugin is a piece of software tailored for music fans .

  30. 针对每个经济体,总是应该量身定制特定的战略。

    Specific strategies should always be tailored to individual economies .