
  • 网络Identity behavior;acts of identity
  1. 他以受托人身份行为。

    He is acting in a fiduciary capacity .

  2. 事实身份行为与事实身份关系的法律保护&以事实婚姻为中心

    The Status Action in Fact and the Protection of Status Relationship in Fact : Focus on the Factual Marriage

  3. 放弃继承权是对继承既得权予以放弃的意思表示,兼具身份行为和财产行为的性质。

    Abandonment of heirdom is to abandon the acquired right , which has the characters of both status act and property act .

  4. 提供了一些新Web应用程序选项,可以重写缺省J2EE身份验证行为。

    There are some new Web authentication options that can override the default J2EE authentication behavior .

  5. 为了允许定制DB2UDB身份验证行为,DB2UDB提供了可用来修改现有插件或构建新的安全插件的API。

    To enable you to customize DB2 UDB authentication behavior , DB2 UDB has exposed APIs that you can use to modify existing plug-ins or build new security plug-ins .

  6. 不符合官员身份的行为过适合自己身份的生活

    Conduct unBecoming an officer . live according to one 's condition

  7. 通过修改事物的外表来隐瞒身份的行为。

    The act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance .

  8. 说话者语言的行为即说话者身份的行为。

    Language acts are acts of identity .

  9. 基于署名禁止权,作者有权禁止非作者署名为作者和淡化作者身份的行为。

    Negative right of authorship is concerned about prohibition of non-authors and dilution of author status .

  10. 参与拍卖的人不一定知道其他参与者的身份或者行为。

    Participants in an auction may or may not know the identities or actions of other participants .

  11. 不符合父亲身份的行为。

    Behavior unbefitting a father .

  12. 同时,西班牙驱逐了利比亚驻马德里大使,原因是此人作出了不符合自己外交身份的行为。

    Meanwhile , Spain has expelled the Libyan ambassador to Madrid for what it called activities incompatible with his diplomatic status .

  13. 俄罗斯外交部周一就驱逐波兰外交官一事发表声明称,这些外交官因为一些不符合他们身份的行为遭到驱逐。

    The Russian Foreign Ministry statement about the Polish diplomats on Monday said they were being deported for activity incompatible with their status .

  14. 笔者认为,确定监护人在诉讼中的地位,首先必须明确监护人所从事的行为的性质,严格区分身份性行为与财产性行为的差异。

    The author thinks , in regard to it , his nature of action must be defined by the difference between his identity behavior and property behavior .

  15. 从现代公共行政的视角分析,公立高校退学权是一种行政权力,公立高校是行政诉讼的适格被告,公立高校强制剥夺学生身份权行为,亦在行政诉讼受案范围之内。

    In light of modern public administration , the expulsion right of public universities is an administrative power , therefore public universities are applicable defendants in administrative lawsuits .

  16. 并以行为人与被害人之间的特定身份和行为造成的特定损害为标准,对亲告罪作了初步的分类。

    Moreover , taking specific identity between offenders and victims and particular damages caused by offences as standards , it proposes a preliminary classification of crimes of private prosecution .

  17. 利用DB2UDB安全插件架构,您可以通过开发自己的插件或从第三方购买插件的方式来定制身份验证行为。

    With the DB2 UDB security plug-in architecture , you can customize its authentication behavior by either developing your own plug-ins , or buying plug-ins from a third party .

  18. 这种相互关联会越来越强,它将对双方的利益、身份以及行为规则与规范产生决定性影响,这将直接影响着东亚未来地区秩序。

    This kind of interrelation will be stronger and stronger , and it will exert a decisive influence on interests , identity , behavioral rule and norm of both side , and will influence the future East-Asian regional order directly .

  19. 本文深入探讨了移动adhoc网络所面临的安全威胁以及信任的概念和特点,并在此基础上对现有的移动adhoc网络身份信任和行为信任模型进行了深入研究和分类介绍。

    This dissertation discusses the security threats that Mobile Ad Hoc Networks faced and the concept and characteristics of trust . Besides , the dissertation gives an introduction and thorough research of the identity trust and behavior trust models for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks .

  20. 女性身份·翻译行为·政治行动:对女性主义翻译观的探查

    Female Identity , Translation and Political Act : Reconnoitering Feminist Translation Theory

  21. 对拒绝查验居民身份证的行为能否实施处罚;

    Whether to punish the behavior of refusing to be checked the cards ;

  22. 受贿罪是典型的身份犯,行为人必须具有法定的特殊身份。

    Bribery is the typical crime of identity , the actor must have special legal identity .

  23. 以官方的身份察看的行为,如视察或检查等。

    The act of visiting in an official capacity , such as an inspection or examination .

  24. 相对人对公务员行为性质有判断的权利和义务,其身份判断和行为判断应有不同的义务标准。

    The function of administrative restriction depends on the understanding and the participation by counterpart , who has right and duty to judge the behavior nature .

  25. 购买伪造的身份证的行为不构成犯罪是贯彻罪刑法定原则的需要;

    It is the result of using the principal of a legally prescribed punishment that purchasing the false ID card should not be a criminal offence .

  26. 为了保证这种共享合作更加安全可靠、更具吸引力,在网格系统中提出了信任的概念,具体又可划分为身份信任与行为信任。

    To guarantee this sharing and interaction more reliable and attractive , the " trust " notion is introduced in Grid computing system , including identity trust and behavior trust .

  27. 究其原因,在于我国现行立法中并没有针对考试作弊如何处理给予刑事处罚的规定,本案中是针对其伪造居民身份证的行为对其处罚。

    The reason is that Chinese current legislation does not give for cheating how to deal with criminal punishment , the case is forged identity cards for their acts of their punishment .

  28. 行政机关在作出行政行为过程中,有法律上的告知义务,应当告知利害关系人行政执法人员的身份、行政行为的内容、当事人的权利等。

    During the course of administrative acts , administrative organ has the legal informing obligation . Administrative organ should inform interested parties of identity of administrative law enforcement personnel , contents of administrative act , rights of parties , etc.

  29. 此流遵从基于WebSphere表单的身份验证的缺省行为,其中用户名和密码包括在请求中。

    This flow follows the default behavior for WebSphere form-based authentication , where user name and password are included in the request .

  30. 洛克伍德被指控有与官员身份不相称的行为。

    Rockwood was charged with conduct unbecoming an officer .