
fǎ lǜ yuān yuán
  • sources of law;sources of the law
  1. 争议双方提请WTO争端解决机制解决争议,及专家组与上诉机构用于解决争端的法律渊源有哪些,对当事方而言意义重大,往往决定了争议的最后结果。

    Contesting Parties submit the dispute settlement system to solve the dispute and the Panel and the Appellate Institution decide which sources of law can be used in solving dispute .

  2. 试论法律渊源的识别

    On the Identification of the Sources of law

  3. 特权的法律渊源因管辖区的不同而异。

    The legal source of the privilege waries from jurisdiction to jurisdiction .

  4. WTO协定在欧共体被视为法律渊源之一,但是在欧共体并不具有直接效力;

    WTO agreements do not have direct effect in the European community , although they are considered as one of EC legal resources .

  5. 第一部分论述WTO公共道德例外条款的基本理论,包括公共道德例外条款的历史沿革、法律渊源及实质。

    The first section expounds the basic theory of public morals exception of WTO , including its history and legal sources and essence .

  6. 我国法学界对SA8000标准的研究焦点主要是如何在此标准的基点上完善我国的劳动法制,而对SA8000标准的法律渊源研究未形成系统的理论。

    The research focuses on SA8000 is on how to implement the labor law system .

  7. SA8000标准的法律渊源研究

    Research on SA8000 from Source of Law

  8. 论文在阐述绿色贸易壁垒的涵义、形成原因及表现形式的基础上,指出国际环境保护公约、WTO以及各国国内法的相关规定是其产生的法律渊源。

    On discussing the meaning , cause of formation and forms of the green trade barrier , the dissertation points out that its legal origin is relevant regulations of environmental protection convention , WTO and domestic laws in various countries .

  9. 作者认为,首先,WTO法是国际公法的一部分,因此,《国际法院规约》第38条中规定的国际法的法律渊源对确定WTO法的法律渊源有重要参考价值。

    The author believes that , first of all , WTO law is part of international law so that sources of international law speculated in Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice are of important reference value in determining sources of WTO law .

  10. 第三章对我国缺陷产品召回制度的法律渊源加以阐述,对我国当前在构建该制度时出现的问题加以反思,指出问题之所在。

    Chapter three analyses the legal source of the recall system .

  11. 知识产权国际保护的法律渊源

    The Legal Sources of the International Protection of the Intellectual Property

  12. 法理和中国的法律渊源体系

    Legal Principle and China 's System of Source of Law

  13. 古代文明进程中土地法律渊源初探

    Studying the source of ancient land laws in the process of civilization

  14. 法律渊源:司法视角的定位

    On Source of Law : From Judicial Point of View

  15. 对管辖权有异议的,特权的法律渊源因管辖区的不同而异。

    The legal source of the privilege waries from jurisdiction ro jurisdiction .

  16. 其次,分析了欧盟税法的法律渊源,并对制定法作了深入的分析。

    Second , the legal resources of European Community Tax Law are analyzed .

  17. 第三章总结了希伯来法的法律渊源;

    Chapter 3 witnesses the origin of Hebrew Law ;

  18. 举证责任法律渊源于罗马法民事诉讼中。

    The testimony responsibility derives from the civil lawsuit in the Roman law .

  19. 它是一种法律渊源,而不是一种适用法律的方法;

    Precedent law is not an applied law , but a form of law .

  20. 村委会选举的法律渊源

    Legal Origins for the Election of Village Committees

  21. 资本充足性监管的法律渊源大体来自于国际惯例、区域国际制定法和国内成文法;

    This is the major content of legal relationship adjusted by laws on capital adequacy .

  22. 国家调节社会经济的经济法所包括三个方面基本构成。即三个法律渊源。宏观调控的概念与特征。

    Economic law is involved in three basic origins , concept of macro-control and characteristics .

  23. 判例法成为我国法律渊源之可行性探析

    A Probe into the Feasibility of the Case Law Becoming Sources of Law of China

  24. 主要内容如下:一、法律渊源及其语义辨析。

    The following key elements : First , analysis of sources of law and semantic .

  25. 笔者首先阐述了欧共体的法律渊源和欧共体的立法种类。

    The author firstly expounds the sources of European Community Law and European Communities ' legislation .

  26. 美国法属于以判例为主要法律渊源的普通法法系。

    American Law belongs to the Common Law legal system which mainly origins from case law .

  27. 首先介绍了不安抗辩权的概念和法律渊源。

    I first introduce the concept and legal source of the system of unstable counter-argument right .

  28. 从司法的角度看,法律渊源实际上就是法官法源。

    So the concept of source of law should be understood from the judicial point of view .

  29. 其次,本文阐释了代位求偿权的性质、法律渊源及法理基础。

    Secondly , the nature of subrogation , legal origin and legal basis of subrogation are stated .

  30. 法律渊源的不同,会导致对投资者保护程度的不同。

    The difference of legal origins , will cause the difference of the protecting degree to investors .