
  • 网络application of the law;application of law
  1. 法制不统一国家法律的适用的立法设计与论证

    The Legislative Design and Demonstration of " Application of Law in Countries without an Integrated National Legal system "

  2. 法律的适用对象决定着法律的适用范围。

    The basic element of application of law is that both application range and effect range are determined by the application objects of law .

  3. 输血风险责任与我国法律的适用

    Liability for blood transfusion risks and applicability of the national laws

  4. 中央政府建立了垂直管理的审判与检举体系,以便统一反腐败法律的适用。

    The central government established an integrated system managing vertically to accuse embezzlers .

  5. 而且,不仅现行法律的适用存在争议,还存在许多法律空白。

    Moreover , there is some law blank .

  6. 证券诉讼自身的种种特质为法律的适用增添了难度,同时对适用法律亦有特殊要求。

    The specialties of securities action , which demands special requirements in applying the law , place additional difficulty on the application .

  7. 第三章主要是具体分析了网络服务使用协议中协议修改、免责声明、违约赔偿和法律的适用和管辖等典型条款的法律效力。

    Chapter three analyzed the legal effect of modification , disclaimer , remedies for violations , application of the law and jurisdiction clauses .

  8. 未成年人犯罪在当前刑事案件中占据一定的比例,但是未成年人犯罪与成年人犯罪在刑事法律的适用上有着明显的区别。

    Juvenile delinquency constitutes a certain proportion in present criminal cases . However , criminal law applicable to juvenile offenders is obviously different from adult offenders .

  9. 法院在审理涉外民事案件时,经常会面临法制不统一国家法律的适用问题。

    When hearing cases involving foreign civil relations , courts will often be faced with issues of application of law for countries without an integrated national law .

  10. 有必要使本公约不影响有关管理和控制运输业务的任何国际公约或国家法律的适用;

    The need that this Convention should not affect the application of any international convention or national law relating to the regulation and control of transport operations ;

  11. 对公共住房法律的适用对象、法律形式、争议解决、法律责任等基本内容以及国外公共住房法律发展概况进行了论述。

    This part illustrates the applicable bodies , legal forms , dispute settlement and legal responsibility of the public housing law and conducts a brief introduction to the development of foreign public housing law .

  12. 特别是在纷繁复杂的破产案件当中,更是需要有明确的立法来确定案件法律的适用,保证判决最终得以执行。

    Especially in the complicated bankruptcy cases , which is even more need for clear legislation to determine the cases of application of the law to ensure that the final judgments can be enforced .

  13. 实体上的限制主要考虑刑事立法的变迁、行为的危害程度、刑罚的严厉性、法律的适用对象、预防犯罪的难易程度等因素;

    Material limitations include these factors such as transformation of criminal legislation , the dangerous degree of act , the hardness of punishment , the applicable object of the law , the enforcement of the law ;

  14. 如果法律的适用所涉及到的案件事实清楚,同时法律的语义也足够明晰,那么法官可径直运用三段论的演绎推理,作出法律共同体可接受的法律判决。

    If the law applicable in cases involving the facts are clear and the legal sense enough to go , the judge using the direct reason , the legal community to accept the law of the sentence .

  15. 这些纷繁复杂的法规在起到积极作用的同时,也由于其内在的不统一与不明确等因素给消费者与经营者造成了困惑,也给法律的适用带来了困难。

    Although they play significant roles as expected , yet the complex prescriptions cause confusions among consumers and businesses and also lead to difficulties in the course of legal application because of their inherent inconsistencies and vagueness .

  16. 本文针对这种现状,从《劳动合同法》的相关条文出发,试图从四个方面对劳动关系领域内竞业限制法律的适用问题进行系统的探讨。

    Of this situation , starting from the relevant provisions of the Labor Contract Law , System of trying from the four aspects of the application of the law of non-competition within the field of labor relations .

  17. 通过对每种类型的剖析,使得在对共同侵权行为的认定上更具有针对性,在法律的适用上更具有可操作性。第四部分,论述了共同侵权行为与相关概念的区别。

    Through the analysis of each type , which together the cognizance of the infringement of more have specific aim , in the application of the law more practical . Part ⅳ, discusses the related concepts and joint tort behavior of the difference .

  18. 中国与埃及同为受近代领事裁判权牵制的国家,其混合法庭的产生、发展以及组织和诉讼程序,包括法律的适用、法官地位和历史作用等方面都有各自不同的特点。

    Pinned down by modern consular jurisdiction , China and Egypt Mixed Court was different in production , development , organization and contentious procedure of the court , including law application , judge status and historical role and respectively had their own characteristics .

  19. 通过语义分析和道德分析,认清司法的含义包括实体法律的适用和程序法律的适用两个方面,前者确认权利,后者救济权利;

    Through semantic and ethical analysis we can understand that the judicature is actually to entail two aspects : the application of the material law and procedure law , the former of which ensures the affirmation of the rights and the latter provides the legal relief .

  20. 第四章以前述内容为依据,对我国船舶油污侵权制度提出一点立法建议,包括法律的适用范围、责任主体、归责原则与免责、赔偿范围、责任限制和强制保险。

    In chapter 4 , the author puts forward some legislative advices according to the above discussion , which involve the application scope of law , subject of liability , doctrine of liability fixation and exoneration , scope of compensation , limitation of liability and compulsory insurance .

  21. 跨界环境损害民事责任的救济途径主要通过国际私法程序进行,因此,不可避免地要对国际私法上的三个经典问题&法院的选择、法律的适用和国外判决的裁定与执行问题进行分析。

    The remedy way of civil liability for transboundary environmental damages is trough the proceeding of private international law , therefore , we inevitably discuss about the three classical problems of private international law & choice of law , choice of jurisdiction and the acknowledgement and enforcement of foreign judgment .

  22. 对法律的严格适用;严格的素食主义者。

    Rigorous application of the law ; a strict vegetarian .

  23. 该补偿请求权不影响配偶双方在婚姻解除时对其他法律条款的适用。

    This compensation should not affect the application of other articles when divorce .

  24. 法官作为裁判者,通过对事实的正确认定和对法律的准确适用,将抽象的正义转化为现实生活中的公平正义。

    Judges exert judicial findings of fact and the enforcement of law , turning abstract justice into justice in cases .

  25. 理论界研究准抢劫罪问题的不少,观点众多,争议分歧也较大,司法实务界在认定上也很困惑和混乱,这直接影响了法律的正确适用。

    Numerous differentiated viewpoints cause chaos and puzzles in judicial departments which directly influenced the proper application of the law .

  26. 联合限制竞争行为的主体界定直接关系到相关法律规范的适用。

    The definition of the entity of the associated restriction on competition is directly related to the application of correlative regulations .

  27. 尽管如此,一般原则是具有普遍适用性的联邦法律平等的适用于土著居民和他们的财产之上。

    Nonetheless , the general rule is that federal laws of general applicability apply equally to Native Americans and their property .

  28. 本文探讨了《合同法》建设工程合同条款中示范文本、建设工程留置等法律规定的适用条件和原则。

    The article explores suit condition and principle of demonstrative version , construct project contract and other important items in Contract Law .

  29. 消防行政处罚是消防执法中大量运用的一种执法行为,在处罚时存在法律依据的适用冲突。

    Administrative punishment of fire control is a sort of commonly used act of fire law enforcement . There exist conflicts in enforcing the law regarding application .

  30. 在“实质真实”视角下,刑事诉讼中法律推定的适用需要满足一定的条件,事实推定则应禁止适用。

    From perspective of " substantial truth ", the application of legal presumption in criminal litigation needs to meet certain conditions , while fact presumption prohibits the application .