
  • 网络Law library;Law Librarianship;law-lib.com
  1. 然后有天晚上,我在法律图书馆里和一个同学聊天,他想让我加入耶鲁法学杂志社。

    Then one night I was in the law library talking to a classmate who wanted me to join the Yale Law Journal .

  2. 国际法学院法律图书馆目前仍处于创立阶段。法律图书馆建立后,将为学院师生提供大量的研究和查询服务。

    The law library , which is in its founding stage , will provide a range of excellent research and reference services to support students and faculty .

  3. 像这样思考,法律图书馆对实现FDLP使命的重要性是不言而喻的。

    Thinking in this way , the importance of law libraries to the mission of the FDLP is obvious .

  4. 另一方面,参与FDLP有助于确保高校法律图书馆员较好地精通政府文献研究。

    On a related note , participating in the FDLP helps to ensure that academic law librarians remain well versed in government documents research .

  5. 到现在为止,我已经揭示了法律图书馆员对实现FDLP使命的重要性,更多的问题,也许是最重要的问题仍然存在。

    Now that I have shown the importance of law librarians to the mission of the FDLP , one more question , perhaps the most important of all , remains .

  6. 这些服务正是受过训练的法律图书馆员能够提供的。

    Such services are exactly what academic law librarians are trained to provide .

  7. 新世纪高校法律图书馆应与法律系资料室兼并

    The University Legal Library should Merge the Reference Room of the Law Department in the New Century

  8. 然而法律图书馆员提供给公共赞助人的直接的帮助不能被忽视。

    Yet the direct help that law librarians give to public patrons is not to be overlooked .

  9. 事实上,对于法律图书馆员来说,力争熟练使用政府文献是很基本的。

    In fact , it is essential that law librarians strive to become adept at using government documents .

  10. 高校法律图书馆员在面临与其所服务机构使命相冲突时应该发挥这种作用吗?

    Should academic law librarians embrace this role in the face of possibly conflicting obligations to their home institutions ?

  11. 此外,高校法律图书馆拥有能为法律研究者增加政府信息价值的重要资源。

    Additionally , academic law libraries have significant resources that can add value to government information for the legal researcher .

  12. 该书专门写给不列颠的法律图书馆长,它对所有不列颠和爱尔兰法律文献提供了较好的描述。

    Designed for British law librarians , this book provides good descriptions of all types of British and Irish legal materials .

  13. 为读者提供的影响到信用、债务、募捐和破产的最新事件,由网上破产法律图书馆主办。

    List for readers to keep up-to-date on events affecting credit , debt collections and bankruptcy ; hosted by the Internet bankruptcy library .

  14. 我选择将高校法律图书馆员作为我的事业追求是因为我特别喜欢研究和与法学学生、教授、律师一起工作。

    I chose to pursue an academic career because I particularly enjoy research and working with law students , professors , and lawyers .

  15. 能在线获得越来越多的政府信息这一事实没有减少法律图书馆提供其服务的需要。

    The fact that more and more government information is now available online has not lessened the need for law librarians to provide these services .

  16. 根据美国法律图书馆协会的道德准则,法律图书馆员有义务“推进信息公开和公众有效获取法律级相关信息。”

    According to the AALL Ethical Principles , a law librarian is obliged to " promote open and effective access to legal and related information . "

  17. 作为法律图书馆组成部分的信任等级有助于公民获得对政府和司法系统的信心。

    There is a level of trust built into academic law libraries that can help citizens to gain confidence in both the government and the legal system .

  18. 法库陶瓷,我们必须走向世界,世界必须是陶瓷引入法律图书馆,是“东北瓷”产业升级的必然。

    Faku CERAMICS we need to move to the world and the world must be the introduction of ceramics to law library , are " Northeast porcelain " industrial upgrading inevitable .

  19. 当代伪书的法律分析及图书馆的对策

    A Legal Analysis on Contemporary Pseudographs and the Countermeasures for Libraries

  20. 我国一所法律学院的图书馆上镌刻着这样的一句格言:“听命于法与主,而非听命于人”。

    Over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto ?

  21. 道德和法律是调整图书馆人思想观念、价值取向、思维和行为方式,从而办好图书馆的社会规范,是培育图书馆精神的双翼。

    The author thinks that ethics and legal systems are two important factors to regulate idea , values and behaviors of librarians .

  22. 分别从法律角度、图书馆内在的人文精神角度、内在的职业理念角度和现实操作角度进行阐述。

    From a legal point of view , the library are inherent humanistic spirit angle , internal occupation concept point of view and practical perspectives .

  23. 图书馆法律是调整图书馆管理和服务中所产生的各种社会矛盾及社会关系的法律法规的总和。

    Library law is the general name of the laws and regulations which adjust the various social contradictions and social relations produced in library management and services .

  24. 从图书馆罚款制度的法律依据谈图书馆条例的制定图书馆规则侵权原因之深度剖析

    Discussion on the Establishment of the University Library Regulations according to the Penalty System The underlying analyses of the causes on the library regulations infringe the rights of the readers

  25. 要加强有关图书馆法的法律体系、图书馆自由权益制度、读者阅读权益制度、文献资源协作制度等方面的立法研究。

    We must strengthen to research legislation about the related library method legal framework , the library free rights and interests system , reader 's reading rights and interests system , literature resources cooperation system and so on .

  26. 试论法律意义上的图书馆事业&关于我国图书馆事业法基本构架的思考

    Library Undertaking of legal significance & Reflections on the Basic Framework of the Law of Library Undertaking in China

  27. 从法律的角度探讨图书馆管理权权利取得的法律依据及读者使用图书资料权权利取得的法律依据。

    This paper discusses the legal gist and conflict of the authority of the library and the usufruct of readers .

  28. 借鉴国外经验,图书馆界应当以积极姿态介入立法进程,强化法律功能,体现图书馆价值。

    In reference to experiences abroad , library world should take an active part in legislation of library to strengthen legal function and realize value of library .

  29. 虚拟图书馆是网络化时代高科技的产物,它涉及到互联网中的版权保护与其他保护方式的关系、互联网中的版权侵权行为及其法律责任、虚拟图书馆与网络作品的合理使用等问题。

    Virtual Library is the outcome of Hi-tech , and involves several legal issues , such as the copyright protection in the Internet , the legal liabilities of infringements , and the perfection of the fair use system .

  30. 为了图书馆事业的更好发展,应加快立法进程,确立图书馆在学习型社会的法律地位,提高图书馆工作人员的素质,实施知识管理。

    In order to develop the library cause , the course of library legislation should be quickened , so as to fix the law position of library in the learning society , enhance the quality of librarians , and implement the knowledge management .