
  • 网络Consumer Service
  1. 这让消费服务开发者可以自己编写服务。

    This allows consumer service developers write the service themselves .

  2. 在理想化的世界里,消费服务的开发者只需要请求供应者服务开发相应的潜在服务,一切就搞定了。

    In an ideal world the developers of the consumer service just asks the supplier service to develop the potential service and all is dandy .

  3. SOA将组织封装为服务提供者;它通过提供和消费服务来同其他组织进行交互。

    SOA encapsulates the organization as a service provider ; it interacts with other organizations by providing and consuming services .

  4. 同时,手机e卡通业务主要集中在餐饮和购物方式上,没有能够扩展到在一个平台上的多种消费服务,迎合各种消费者的需求。

    Meanwhile , the discount through business focused on dining and shopping , there is no platform can be extended to a consumer on a variety of services to meet the various needs of consumers .

  5. 这使得公司能够描述它们的服务,也使得客户能够按标准方法消费服务,而不必对有关较低级别的交换协议(绑定),如SOAP,了解很多。

    This enables companies to describe their services and enables the client to consume the services in a standard way without knowing much on the lower level exchange protocol ( binding ) like SOAP .

  6. 央视去年曝光苹果蓄意回避保修期,而且针对中国消费者执行歧视性的服务政策。之后苹果首席执行长库克(TimCook)发布了一封致歉信,承诺修改在华消费服务政策的条款。

    CCTV 's report last year alleging Apple skirted warranty periods and adopted biased customer-service policies for Chinese customers resulted in an apology letter signed by Apple 's Chief Executive Tim Cook . Mr. Cook vowed to revamp aspects of its customer-service policies in China .

  7. ;它通过提供和消费服务来同其他组织进行交互。

    ; it interacts with other organizations by providing and consuming services .

  8. 这款时下非常流行的游戏的模式是免费增值,就游戏免费但蕴含消费服务。

    The immensely popular game is a freemium , free and premium .

  9. 服务消费者或者客户通过消息来消费服务。

    Service consumers or clients consume services via messages .

  10. 美国现代消费服务创新及启示

    The Innovation of American Modern Consumption & Service

  11. 河南高等教育境外消费服务贸易的研究

    The research of consumption abroad of international higher education service trade in Henan Province

  12. 云计算通过对基础设施、平台和应用程序的可消费服务增强了业务的灵活性。

    Cloud computing enhances business agility through consumable services for infrastructures , platforms , and applications .

  13. 处理分离的服务层时,提供服务和消费服务的团队都要编写自动化测试,这很重要。

    When dealing with a separate service layer , it is essential that both the producing and consuming teams write automated tests .

  14. 通过使用担保、提供附加的消费服务和用巧妙的、能激发人兴趣的广告语书写目录,沃德赢得了信任。

    He gained their trust by using guarantees , providing exceptional customer service and writing catalogs with clever , catchy sales pitches .

  15. 目前在国外尤其是在美国,汽车租赁业发展迅速,已经成为一项非常受欢迎的汽车消费服务。

    In foreign countries , especially in the United States , the development of car rental industry rapidly , has become a very popular automobile consumption services .

  16. 这超出了本系列文章的讨论范围,本文只涉及到了决定由哪些参与者提供服务、哪些参与者消费服务,以及怎样决定这些内容。

    These are beyond the scope of this series of articles , which cover only determining which participants will provide and use what services , and how .

  17. 随着消费者收入的增加,他们会不会把目光投向第五个档次呢?还是继续追求第四个档次上的奢侈品和个人消费服务呢?

    Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of wants as their income increases , or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level ?

  18. 得出结论:高校与教育消费者之间,按商品化的经济建立了提供服务与消费服务的供求关系,是一种教育产品生产者与需求者之间的交换关系。

    It concludes that : the relationship between higher education institutes and the studies is a commercial relationship of the service provider and service consumer , which influenced by the supply and demand .

  19. .“清华大学中国与世界经济研究中心主任李韬葵,注意到消费服务在世界第二大经济体中的角色越来越重要了。

    Li Daokui , Director of the Center for China in the World Economy at Tsinghua University , is among those noting the growing role of consumption and services in the world 's second largest economy .

  20. 面向流程的管理在生产制造部门、大众消费服务部门已经有了大量的成熟运用,但在大型软件企业的营销管理中,仍未有成熟的流程体系。

    The management facing the business process has a mount of successful application in the manufacture industry and consumer service industry , but in large-scale software company , still has not a mature process system for the M & S department .

  21. 在消费服务的过程中,除了核心产品外,顾客与服务人员的表现、整体环境之间的互动,也是整体产品中的一部分,这些都是影响顾客整体满意度的因素。

    In the process of the service of consumption , the presentation of customers and assistants , the interaction between them and the surroundings constitute part of the product , and are also the import factors which affect the customers ' satisfaction .

  22. 养老服务企业是集医疗护理、餐饮、公寓房、通讯、休闲娱乐及其他各种服务及设施为一身的老年人消费服务场所。

    The modernized old-age care service enterprise is an integrative elder consumer service place where it consists of the comfort apartments , medical care , food and beverage , , commercial culture , leisure and entertainment and other kinds of services and facilities .

  23. 目前服务业出现了一种新需求,即越来越多的人愿意花足够多的钱寻求能证明其身份、满足其愿望的高消费服务(奢侈服务)。

    At present service industry appears one kind of new demand , namely more and more many people are willing to spend enough many money to seek can prove it s status , satisfies its status the high consumption service ( luxurious service ) .

  24. 然而,商品生产的多样化和消费服务的个性化使得原先以主要依赖有形资产的传统化、规模化制造模式逐渐向以智力资本为关键资源的新的生产经营模式转变。

    However , the diversification of commodity production and consumption of services , personalization make tangible assets had to rely mainly on the traditional , large-scale manufacturing environment gradually as the key resource of intellectual capital , production and operation of the new paradigm shift .

  25. 要消费Web服务,您必须首先创建服务调用存根。

    To consume a Web service , you must first create service invocation stubs .

  26. [END-SERVICE]这个块包含消费Web服务所需的参数集。

    [ END-SERVICE ] Block containing the set of parameters required to consume a Web service .

  27. 它允许企业从标准的角度来指定既消费Web服务又提供Web服务的业务流程。

    It permits businesses to specify business processes that both consume and provide web services from a standardized viewpoint .

  28. 订阅列表中的主题应该与来自消费Web服务的通知请求中的主题相匹配。

    The topic in the subscription list should match the topic in a notification request from a consuming Web service .

  29. 如果生产Web服务确定了一个匹配项,它就会向与该订阅关联的消费Web服务发出一个通知。

    If the producing Web service identifies a match , it issues a notification to the consuming Web services associated with that subscription .

  30. 只要有HTTP栈,在任何平台上都可以很轻松地消费数据服务

    Any platform with an HTTP stack can easily consume a data service