
  1. 军工科研所试行工人三项制度改革问题探讨

    Research of the military institutes ' human resource management systems reforms for workers

  2. 东安公司的三项制度改革

    Three Items of Constitutional Reform Implemented at Dongan Company

  3. 劳动、人事、分配三项制度改革是科研单位求生存、求发展的重要举措。

    Reform of the three systems of labour , personnel and distribution is one important move for scientific research units to seek existence and development .

  4. 三项制度改革、人力资源管理机制创新是长春通信公司走出危机、实现战略目标、赢得竞争优势的必然选择。

    It is necessary to reform the Three system and human resource manage for Changchun Communication Corporation to keep away crisis , realize the strategic target and gain the advantage of competition .

  5. 医疗保险制度作为最难操作的社会保险制度,围绕医疗保险的综合改革,本章强调了三项制度改革与药品集中采购的重要意义。

    Medical insurance system is the most difficult social insurance system in operating . Concerning the complex medical insurance reform , this chapter emphasizes three institutional reforms and the importance of collective purchase of medicine .

  6. 作为医疗卫生三项制度改革(医疗保险、医疗卫生体制和药品流通体制)中先行的一项改革,在其他两项改革未能及时配套运作的情况下,遇到了许多新的问题。

    As the first of the three innovations of the medical insurance system , medical system and medicine circulating system , it has met many new problems without the coordination of the other two innovations which failed to start as scheduled .

  7. 随着事业单位干部人事制度、分配制度、用人用工制度等三项制度改革的不断深入,如何吸引和稳定科技骨干队伍、如何调动单位和职工积极性就越来越受到所决策层的高度关注。

    It has been more and more focusing by the decision-maker that how to attract and stabilize the science team consisting of crucial individuals , and promote the enthusiasm of team and individuals with the process of renovation of system cadre , assignment , employee .

  8. 在认真分析分配制度改革过程中存在问题的基础上,结合实际提出了一些建设性的改革措施,对于黄金企业正在开展的劳动、人事、分配三项制度改革将起到积极的促进作用。

    On the basis of the analysis of the problems existed in the process of the reform of distribution system , this paper puts forward a few constructive measures to hope playing positive roles in the course of reforms of labour , personel and distribution systems .

  9. 根据中国铝业成本领先战略和河南分公司做大做强做优的总体发展目标提出了新的激励机制方案,以期对河南分公司的三项制度改革提供指导性意见。

    According to CHALCO 's strategy of ' Cost Priority ' and Henan Branch 's general developing target of ' Bigger , Stronger and Better ' , this paper gives a new plan of inspiration system to provide guidance suggestions for reforming three systems of Henan Branch .