
sān fānɡ xié yì
  • tripartite agreement;triple agreement
  1. 这些问题的存在使得我国劳动关系三方协议制度无法正常发挥作用。

    These problems make labor relations tripartite agreement system in China can ' tnormal work .

  2. 公司的律师提醒我,这个三方协议包含一个外国人目的为了这宗不发生在孟加拉国的土地转移;

    Our lawyer informed me that a tripartite agreement involving a foreigner for land transfer had never taken place in Bangladesh ;

  3. PLC与上位机之间通过标准第三方协议OPC进行通讯,解决了通信中的复杂多主站问题,同时使得与中控系统的通讯更加方便。

    The OPC protocol was used to communicate the remote computer with the PLC , which solved the problem of complex multi-station in communication . The use of the OPC also made the communication between the remote computer and the centre control system easy .

  4. 哎,你说为什么要签三方协议呢?入职后跟公司签劳动合同不就行了?

    They 're saying some people already got offers and signed three party employment agreements .

  5. 陈龙随即将体检结果及三方协议书邮寄给公司。

    Chenlong mailed both the test results and the three-side agreement to the corporation at once .

  6. 而且,当您传输一个球员,你需要的三方协议。

    And , when you transfer a player , you need the agreement of the three parties .

  7. 研究了逐步交换协议和异步第三方协议;

    Two kinds of fair exchange protocols , gradual exchange protocols and third party protocols are discussed .

  8. 之后对这个协议进行了优化改进,结合消息认证码提出了一个新的三方协议。

    Then we improve this protocol and present a new one using message authentication code ( MAC ) .

  9. 在这一战略伙伴的框架内,将按照当地的要求为每一个受援国制定具体的三方协议。

    Within the framework of this strategic partnership , specific tripartite agreements corresponding to local requirements will be formulated for each beneficiary country .

  10. 但我依然选择了这个三方协议,主要是因为法律上没有明确的障碍来阻止政府进行这样的协议。

    But I still opted for the tripartite , figuring that there was no legal bar for the government to enter into such agreement .

  11. 这一观点也得到了北航毕业生、23岁的陈秋娟的肯定。她就曾与一家私企解约了三方协议。

    This notion is echoed by Chen Qiujuan , a 23-year-old graduate of Beihang University , who voided her tripartite agreement with a private company .

  12. 日本也有人担心首尔方面可能试图阻止日本参加中日韩之间旨在达成一项三方协议的贸易会谈。

    Some in Japan are concerned that Seoul may try to shut Japan out of trade talks with China that had been intended to lead to a three-way pact .

  13. 南京航空航天大学毕业生,22岁的凌峰在今年2月与学校和一家国企签订了三方协议。

    Ling Feng , 22 , a recent graduate of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics , signed a tripartite agreement between his university and a State-owned enterprise in January .

  14. 同时,梳理了保证保险纠纷所涉及的多项合同法律关系,全面分析了争议较大的三方协议,认为保证保险合同是处理保证保险纠纷的核心依据。

    At the same time , this article has clarified the multiple legal relationships that guaranty insurance involves , analyzes the tri-party agreement , and insists that the guaranty insurance contract shall be the critical foundation in settling the guaranty insurance disputes .

  15. 针对BAN逻辑无法有效地分析三方密码协议这个问题,增加和修改了BAN逻辑推理规则,强化了BAN逻辑的认证目标;

    Aim at the problem that the BAN logic can 't effectively analyse three-party cryptographic protocols , several BAN logic rules are supplemented or improved , and the authentication target of BAN logic is enhanced .

  16. 即假设两个用户与同一个可信服务器共享口令,面向这样问题的PAKE协议就是三方PAKE协议。

    In a three-party PAKE protocol , two clients each share a password with the trusted server , respectively .

  17. 采用三方传送协议实现USN可以达到以下目的:元数据服务器集中管理存储设备实现了存储空间的动态共享,提高了存储空间的利用率;

    With the third party transfer protocol , USN achieves the following objectives : Managed centrally by a metadata server , USN can make users share its storage space dynamically , so USN is used effectively ;

  18. 本文利用椭圆曲线密码算法,设计一个新的可以抵抗口令泄露攻击的三方PAKE协议。

    We propose a novel three-party PAKE protocol based on elliptic curve cryptosystem , which can resist PCI attack . In our scheme , the computational cost and communication cost for clients are lower than kindred protocols .

  19. 本文主要围绕三方PAKE协议和基于CPK的AKE协议的设计与分析展开研究,力求发挥CPK的优势,在某一方面或者几方面比现有的同类协议具有竞争优势。

    The focus of this thesis is on the design and analysis of three-party PAKE and CPK-based AKE protocols . The main goal is to exert the advantages of CPK and make the new protocols to be competitive with the existing protocols in one or more aspects .

  20. 三方达成协议停止战争。

    The three sides reached an agreement to stop the war .

  21. 三方密码协议运行模式分析法

    Running-Mode Analysis of the Three-Party Cryptographic Protocol

  22. 两阶段设计方案可以自动生成各种需求的两方或三方通信协议,并且广泛支持各种加密方法。

    Two-stage approach can found variety of two-party or three-party protocols , which support multi-encryption scheme .

  23. 在合营企业与其他公司和第三方的协议中,亦应使用同样的文件用语,以确保公司商业秘密得到保护。

    The same language protecting trade secrets should also be included in joint venture agreements with other companies and third parties .

  24. 代收费系统与第三方系统协议通信,完成报文的传输,数据共享。

    On behalf of the charging system and third-party system protocol communications , the completion of packet transmission , data sharing .

  25. 介绍两方和三方安全协议的运行模式分析法,设计并提出了两方乐观公平交换协议运行模式分析法;

    Introduce the running-mode analysis based on the two-party and the three-party security protocol . Put forward the running-mode analysis of two-party optimistic fair exchange protocols .

  26. 此外,规定还指出,在学生实习之前,职业学校、实习单位、学生应三方签订协议,以此来明确各方的责任,保护学生的权利。

    Interns , vocational schools and employers must sign a tripartite agreement before the internship to draw clear lines of responsibility and protect students ' rights .

  27. 在两方密码协议运行模式分析法的基础上,利用模型检测的理论结果,提出了三方密码协议运行模式分析法。

    Based on the model checking theory , we derive the running mode analysis method of three party cryptographic protocols from the running mode analysis method of two party cryptographic protocols .

  28. 然后提出了一种基于可信第三方的安全协议以及一种轻量级IP层的安全机制,对它们进行了详细的分析。

    Then the thesis put forward to a kind of security protocol based on trusted third party and a kind of lightweight IP layer security mechanism , and analysed them in details .

  29. 并以Kerberos服务为例子,设计了实现将可信任第三方引入IKE协议的实现方案。

    With the case of Kerberos service , implementing scheme of the credible third party into IKE protocol are designed .

  30. 提出将可信任第三方引入IKE协议,解决IKE协议密钥管理复杂的问题。

    The credible third party are introduced into IKE protocol to solve the problem of complexity of IKE protocol management key .