
  1. 三类地区的市场竞争均促进创新发展,应提高到临界值的水平。

    Competition could improve innovation in all of the regions , which should be enhanced .

  2. 我国三类地区农村职业教育的比较研究

    The Comparative Research on the Rural Vocational Education in the East , Middle and West Areas of China

  3. 上海郊区每千人口医生数和每千人口护士数较低,均低于全市的平均水平,尤其是三类地区;

    The numbers of physicians and nursing staff per 1000 population are lower than the average level of whole city , especially in the third type district ;

  4. 最后,在俱乐部收敛检验中,前两类地区存在明显的俱乐部收敛,而第三类地区则不存在俱乐部收敛。

    Last , during the analysis of club convergence , significant club convergence exists in the first two groups of cities , but there is no club convergence in the third group of cities .

  5. 上述发现说明三类地区在研发活动的管理体制和决策机制上皆存在缺陷,从而致使投入要素使用出现严重的非效率现象。

    The above discoveries show that three kinds of areas all have flaws in the management system and policy - making mechanism of R & D activity , which causes serious inefficiency in using input factors .

  6. 三类地区应提高政府管理水平,加快经济发展步伐,加强旅游产品的营销,提高旅游业发展的宏观规划及微观管理水平。

    For the third one , the government management level should be improved , and quicken the step of economic development , strengthen the marketing , enhanced the macroscopic plan and microcosmic management level of tourism development .

  7. 2009年,四川省综合科技进步水平指数继续提高,达到42.47%,较上年提高0.7个百分点,进一步巩固了在第三类地区的地位。

    2009 , Sichuan province comprehensive science and technology progress continues to improve , reach level index . 42.47 % . improving 0.7 percentage points than last year , and further consolidate the position of in the third class area .

  8. 因为随着海拔的升高,该地区的气温越低,水资源蒸发量越少,依靠灌溉补充水量就越少,故三类地区农户的水资源利用效率最高。

    Because with the rising altitude , the temperature is become lower , the lower water resource evaporation , the land that depend on irrigating supplement is less , so the peasant households ' water resources in the third region is the most effective .

  9. 不同县(市)感染率差异显著,三类地区为41.60%,二类地区为33.33%,一类地区为19.03%;

    There was a significant difference of infection rate between counties , with the third class areas ( 41.60 % ) higher than the second class areas ( 33.33 % ) and the second class higher than the first class areas ( 19.03 % );

  10. 结果:①远离军队医疗机构人员卫生服务供需呈现三高特点:人武部需求高;三、四类地区需求高;

    Results : Firstly , the supply of health services and need show the character of " Three Heights " .

  11. 按照信息吞吐能力的不同可以将我国划分为三类信息通道建设地区:文章对三类地区进行了粗略的划分。

    According to the information handling capacity , our country can be classified into three regions for the construction of information channel , this paper provides a rough classification of the three .