
  1. 师范类高校的地位在升高,不再是过去的冷门专业。

    The status of teachers training colleges is enhancing , education is not the " unexpected specialty " as past .

  2. 高校冷门专业学生的心理特征及应对措施&以地理专业为例

    The Psychological Characters and Measures of the Students Who Engage in " Dull Subject " & take geography as an example

  3. 勇敢追求自己学术目标的远不只薛逸凡一个人,还有很多学生也和她一样因为兴趣爱好而选择了相对冷门的专业。

    But Xue is not the only student with a genuinely academic goal . There are many more students who choose less popular majors and stick to them , simply because they love what they are learning about .