
  • 网络cool tone;cool color
  1. 选择冷色系,比如乳白色。

    Choose a cool colour such as cream

  2. 冷色系就是小居室的必备,占40%。

    Cold color is an essential small room , accounting for40 % .

  3. 你更喜欢灰色、蓝色此类冷色系?

    Do you prefer those cold colors such as grey and blue ?

  4. 蓝色、紫色和灰色等冷色系的颜色能抑制食欲。

    Cool colors such as blue , violet and gray suppress appetite .

  5. 至于墙,用暖色涂料和白色跟淡暖色相结合的涂料比冷色系的更讨人喜欢。

    For walls , warm paint colors and whites with warm undertones are more flattering than cool-family colors .

  6. 冷色系用在朝西的厨房、门厅和其他地方,下午的热量是个问题。

    Use cool colors in west-facing kitchens , porches and other areas where afternoon heat is a problem .

  7. 男性眼睛还经常被冷色系颜色吸引,像银、蓝、黑色、灰色和棕色。

    The male eye is also drawn to cooler colors like silver , blue , black , grey , and brown .

  8. 通过剪发后层级之间的差距,隐隐突出颜色的变化,强调颜色和发型的和谐,并利用明暗度的区别,表现冷色系和温色系之间的区别。

    Cutting layers can make people look more attractive , and we keep balance of warm color and cold color series through brightness difference .