
zhēn zhī shān
  • knit shirt;knitwear;knit
  1. 现在我的衣柜里不允许出现Equipment的针织衫,就像其他我发现不耐穿的品牌一样。

    In my closet , Equipment knits are now verboten , as are those from any brand I 've found don 't go the distance .

  2. 派克表示,虽然Gap的牛仔女装业务稍有起色,但该品牌的上装,尤其是针织衫,缺乏时尚感,而且既不合身也不好看。

    While women 's denim is showing a bit of improvement , Peck said that Gap is missing the mark fashion wise on tops , particularly wovens and knits , with poor fits and an unappealing esthetic .

  3. 众所周知电脑控制的CMS横机能编织时装针织衫,还能结合使用复杂技术如多色提花、绞花和嵌花。

    It is widely known that computer controlled CMS flat knitting machines produce fashion knitwear and are able to cope with complex techniques such as color jacquard , cable structures and intarsia .

  4. 为了给自己衣橱里添置一些平滑光洁的针织衫,德妮丝&12539;安克尔(DeniseAnker)在去年秋天花了好几百美元买了两件Vince品牌的毛衣。

    Hoping to add some polished knitwear to her wardrobe , Denise Anker spent several hundred dollars last fall on two Vince brand sweaters .

  5. 克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(ChrisHemsworth)、基特·哈灵顿(KitHarington)以及杰克·吉伦哈尔(JakeGyllenhaal)等明星最近大爱蓄须搭配厚实针织衫的造型,不过该调查并未具体说明女性喜不喜欢这种样子。

    The survey didn 't however specify about the beard which , paired with a chunky knit cardigan , has become a popular look with celebrities like Chris Hemsworth , Kit Harington and Jake Gyllenhaal .

  6. 但还有几个外来家族雄心勃勃参与角逐,比如米索尼(Missoni),半个多世纪以来它一直在编织彩色针织衫。

    But few families tug an outsider 's heart like the Missonis , whose chromatic knitwear has woven through time for more than half a century .

  7. MinnaParikka,来自赫尔辛基的针织衫和配饰,性感的针织品,纳帕软皮手套,为活泼可爱的女孩们设计的可爱的鞋和靴子。

    Minna Parikka , knits and accessories from Helsinki , sexy knitwear , nappa leather gloves , adorable shoes and boots for the sassy , cute girl .

  8. 1947年,埃米利奥・璞琪(EmilioPucci)发布了以万花筒般图案和紧身修身针织衫为特色的同名品牌。不久后,他选择自己的家作为品牌的运营基地:位于佛罗伦萨中心的复兴时期宫殿PalazzoPucci。

    NOT LONG AFTER EMILIO PUCCI launched his line of kaleidoscopic patterns and slinky , body-conscious jersey knits in 1947 , he chose his home as his base of operations : the Palazzo Pucci , a Renaissance palace in the center of Florence .

  9. 幸运的是,Granaiolo的大谷仓成了存放和陈列复古针织衫的完美的地方。罗马时装历史学家及策展人恩里科・昆托(EnricoQuinto)说,那些复古针织衫“太精致了,都可以叠起来放在烟盒里”。

    Luckily , Granaiolo 's immense barn turned out to be a perfectly arid place to store and display all the vintage jersey that was ' so fine , you could 've folded the dresses down and put them in a cigarette box , ' says Rome-based fashion historian and curator Enrico Quinto . '

  10. 复古系的针织衫配上紧身裤就能打造出一个全新的形象。

    Granny-chic knitwear plus skinny pants equals a great new silhouette .

  11. 针织衫,两件套,开襟羊毛衫可以穿着。

    Sweaters , twin sets , cardigans are ok to wear .

  12. 轻薄型Tencel/羊绒混纺针织衫开发可行性研究

    Study on the Viable Development of Light Tencel / Cashmere Knitwear

  13. 你妈妈帮你买了一件针织衫吗?

    Didn 't your mom just buy you a sweater ?

  14. 这件绿色针织衫仅售30元。

    This green sweater is on sale for $ 30 !

  15. 半精纺针织衫服用性能的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy and comprehensive evaluation on serviceability of semi-worsted knitted shirt

  16. 折叠起来的针织衫或手帕都可以。

    A folded up jumper or hanky can work well for this purpose .

  17. Kensie的丙烯酸针织衫,售价78美元,macys.com

    Acrylic sweater , Kensie , $ 78 ; visit macys.com for stores .

  18. 在冬天,针织衫就是这种必备单品。

    For winter , knitwear is one such necessity .

  19. 一件针织衫只要9.99美金?

    A sweater for $ 9 . 99 ?

  20. 时尚小贴士:复古系的针织衫配上紧身裤就能打造出一个全新的形象

    For example : Granny-chic knitwear plus skinny pants equals a great new silhouette .

  21. 没有哪家店能光靠出售针织衫活下去。

    No shop can survive on knitwear alone .

  22. 她那崭新的针织衫已经撑大了。

    Her new knitted dress had stretched .

  23. 针织衫既舒适又实惠。

    Knitwear is both comfortable and affordable .

  24. 我们刚赢了15美金!相当于三件针织衫太好了

    We just won $ 15 ! That 's three sweaters ! Yes ! Yes !

  25. 重点对针织衫的还原染料、活性染料及涂料成衣染色进行探讨。

    Emphatically approaching to the clothes-dyeing made use of vat dyes , reactive dyes and paint .

  26. 如果你已经把你的针织衫或毛衣收起来了,那就再把他们翻出来吧。

    IF you have already done away with your jumper or sweater , digthem out again .

  27. 这类针织衫穿起来正面一落而下,垂感十足,因此得名。

    This type of knitwear is named for the cascade of fabric that tumbles down your front .

  28. 穿着裤子和衬衣,时尚针织衫,裙子,上衣都是指企业便服。

    Dressy pants and a blouse , sleekjerseyknits and skirts and tops are all examples of corporate casual .

  29. 不要穿亚麻的衣物,太容易皱了。应该穿那些容易维护,又有型的针织衫和牛仔裤。

    Stay away from linen , which wrinkles easily , and favor low-maintenance , stylish knits and jeans .

  30. 适用于游泳衣、针织衫、衣等有弹性要求的产品。

    This kind of products are used for swimming clothes , underwear , knitting clothes and so on .