
  • 网络Not to prosecute;non-prosecution;non-lieu
  1. 但在得知UBS也参与了操纵外汇价格的活动后,司法部罕见地对企业累犯行为采取了行动,撤销不起诉协议。

    But in a rare stand against corporate recidivism , the Justice Department voided that non-prosecution agreement after learning that UBS was also taking part in the effort to manipulate currency prices .

  2. 试析我国新刑事诉讼法不起诉制度

    Analyze the Non-prosecution of the New Code of Criminal Procedure in our Country

  3. 由于证据不足,警方已决定不起诉。

    The police have decided not to prosecute because the evidence is not strong enough

  4. 期满不起诉又不自行拆除的,由作出处罚决定的机关依法申请人民法院强制执行,费用由违法者承担。

    Whereas a unit or individual fails to put the case in proceeding exercise with the people 's court and the cost arising therefrom shall be borne by the law violator .

  5. 在大陪审团决定不起诉弗格森市和斯塔滕岛杀人案中的警察后,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)呼吁展开全国性对话,以重建民众对地方警察力量的信任。

    In the wake of the decisions not to prosecute officers in the Ferguson and Staten Island killings , President Barack Obama has called for a national conversation to rebuild trust in local police forces .

  6. 迷雾中的行进&也谈对在校大学生暂缓不起诉

    Walking in Danger & Beginning with postponement of non-prosecution for students

  7. 未成年人犯罪之相对不起诉论要

    A Probe on Relative Non - prosecution of the Minor Crime

  8. 不起诉制度价值追求及其评价

    On Value Target of non - prosecution system and its Estimations

  9. 案外人逾期不起诉,法院可继续执行。

    Third Party fails to prosecute , the court may continue .

  10. 我国相对不起诉制度研究

    On the System of Free Evaluation Non - prosecution in China

  11. 我国的不起诉是一个保守改革的制度。

    Chinese not-prosecute is a system that is being conservative reformed .

  12. 我国不起诉自由裁量之现实反思与路径选择

    On Reflection and Route Choice of Discretion on Not-to-prosecute in China

  13. 其实质是附条件不起诉。

    Its essence is attaches the condition not to sue .

  14. 我们决定不起诉他们,免得惹事生非。

    We decide to give up indicting them for out of trouble .

  15. 他很生气,但是还是决定不起诉你。

    He was very angry , but decided not to press charges .

  16. 摘要目前,我国存在低不起诉率现状。

    At the present , there exists the low rate of non-prosecution .

  17. 因证据不足而不起诉的案件是否要赔偿

    Whether the Cases Non-prosecuted with Insufficient Evidence Result in Compensation

  18. 刑事不起诉制度及其制约

    Talking about the criminal non prosecution system and its restriction

  19. 也谈罪证不足不起诉的刑事赔偿

    On the Criminal Compensation for Non-prosecution Due to Insufficient Evidence

  20. 虚假陈述民事赔偿原告问题研究&评证券投资基金不起诉现象

    Researches on Plaintiff in Securities Civil Suit Resulting from Misrepresentation

  21. 刑事不起诉制度的比较研究

    Comparing and Studying on the Criminal Non - prosecution System

  22. 我国检察机关不起诉制度及其完善

    China 's procuratorial organs are not perfect and prosecution system

  23. 关于相对不起诉中辩护权保障的若干思考

    Study on The Protection of Defense Right in Relative Non-prosecution

  24. 我们最后决定不起诉。

    In the end we decided not to press charges .

  25. 对大学生轻微犯罪暂缓不起诉的理性思考

    The Rational Thinking on Delaying Prosecution for College Students ' Trifling Crime

  26. 刑事和解视野下相对不起诉制度之发展

    Development of relative non-prosecute system under the vision of the Criminal reconciliation

  27. 我不起诉他是那个不是警察的家伙运气好。

    And that not-a-cop better be lucky I ain 't suing his ass.

  28. 我国不起诉制度的产生和发展

    Emergence and Development of Non Pros System in China

  29. 暂缓不起诉制度的合法性缺失及其整合

    The Legitimacy Defect and Integration of the System of " Deferred Prosecution "

  30. 二是不起诉式的辩诉交易。

    Not to prosecute the type of plea bargaining .