
zhēn yǎn
  • needle eye;the eye of a needle;pinprick
针眼 [zhēn yǎn]
  • (1) [the eye of a needle]∶针上引线的孔

  • (2) [pinprick]∶针扎的或如同针扎的小孔

  • (3) [hordeolum]∶病名。其症眼睑边缘长小疖,初起形如麦粒,微痒微痛,继而炙肿拒按,相当于麦粒肿

针眼[zhēn yǎn]
针眼[zhēn yan]
  1. 均采用直线切割闭合器切除过度膨胀而破坏的肺组织,并予生物蛋白胶封堵针眼。结果:患者术后无自发性气胸复发,无手术死亡。

    The destructive and dysfunction pulmonary tissue by linear stapler cut and gives the biological protein adhesive trap needle eye . Results : After the LVRS , non-spontaneous pneumothorax recrudescence , non-surgery death .

  2. 针眼太小线穿不进去。

    The needle-eye is too small to hold the thread .

  3. 她选了一根针眼很小的针,在第一次尝试时就把线穿上了。

    She chose a needle with a very small eye , and threaded it at her first try .

  4. PVC电缆的绝缘和护层剖面产生气孔、针眼的原因及解决措施

    Causes of air holes and pinholes occurring on cross section of insulating and protection covering of PVC electric cables and solutions

  5. 其他的选择包括针眼式,鞋带式,或天鹅式。

    Other alternatives include Eye-of-the-Needle Pose , Shoelace , or Swan .

  6. 她将线穿过她的针眼。

    She passes a thread through the eye of her needle .

  7. 它的眼睛非常小,大概有针眼那么大。

    Its eyes are very small , about needle so much .

  8. 无菌线绳预防血液透析过程中穿刺针眼渗血的研究

    Study of asepsis string preventing errhysis from transfixion pinpoint in hemodialysis

  9. 很小的锈迹,仅仅针眼大小。

    The small rust areas exhibits only minor pinholing through the surface .

  10. 她把毛线穿过细针眼。

    She threaded the wool through the eye of the fine needle .

  11. 天父与他的天使军团站立在一个针眼的环形路里。

    Stood in the circuit of a needle 's eye .

  12. 没人会注意针眼,因为有太多了。

    Nobody notices needle marks because there are so many .

  13. 特点:带吊钩及针眼的踝靴。

    Characteristics : ankle boot with hooks and eyelets .

  14. 如何有效防止丝网印版上出现针眼

    How to Effectively Avoid the Pinholes on Screen Plate

  15. 我发现穿针眼非常难。

    I finding threading a needle a terrible fiddle .

  16. 眼针治疗突发性耳聋42例疗效观察针眼,针孔用针或似用针刺的小孔

    Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Eye Acupuncture for 42 Cases of Sudden Deafness

  17. 穿越梦的针眼,针针缝绣着青春的容颜。

    Through the eye of needle , the needlework embroiders the appearance of youth .

  18. 女孩子家通常稳住针,然后再把线对准针眼穿。

    A girl usually holds the needle still and pokes the thread at it .

  19. 铜箔针眼的鉴定方法与技巧

    Copper Foil Pinhole Identification Method and Skill

  20. 有可以穿过补缀品或刺绣线的针眼的长针。

    A long needle with an eye large enough for heavy darning or embroidery thread .

  21. 鲜芦荟汁用于治疗性单采穿刺针眼止血的效果观察

    Clinical Observation on the Hemostatic Effect of Fresh Aloe Juice on the Bleeding of Needle Wound

  22. 一个替代体式是针眼式。

    An alternative is Eye-of-the-Needle Pose .

  23. 针眼可能是一种单的运动衫拉过绒的编织或则浅黄褐色的拉过绒的编织或则类似的。

    The stitch is probably a single jersey knit-brushed or a rachelle knit-brushed or something similar .

  24. 屁股的针眼在隐隐作痛,只能坐着发霉。

    I only can sit moldy bucause I feel pain of the needle in the buttock .

  25. 穿过一个针眼,正在被织成上帝的长袍。

    Passing through the eye of a needle and being woven into the robe of god .

  26. 她用手把经线穿过综眼。针眼太小线穿不进去。

    She drew warps in by hand The needle-eye is too small to hold the thread .

  27. 开始是在针眼处出现一个小红结节,几个星期或几个月后发展为脓包、脓肿或溃疡。

    Over weeks or months it can develop into a large pustule , abscess , or ulcer .

  28. 老年患者静脉抽血后按压针眼方法的观察

    Observation of a new method of pressing the point of vain puncture after phlebotomize for elderly patients

  29. 大针眼缝针,钢或铁制

    Bodkin of iron or steel

  30. 超细纤维织物的缝纫性能研究&针眼孔洞产生原因及防止措施

    Study on the Sewability of Ultra-Fine Fiber Fabric ── the Reason of Large Needle Holes Given and the Solution