
  • 网络knit fabric;KNIT;knitted fabric;Knitting Fabric;Jersey
  1. 圆筒形针织布定形机定声浮标固定音响浮筒

    Circular knit setting machine fixed acoustic buoy

  2. 自动定尺寸内圆磨床圆筒形针织布定形机

    Sizematic internal grinder circular knit setting machine

  3. 解决棉/氨纶针织布染色细皱纹

    Solving the Fine Wrinkle in Dyeing Cotton / Polyurethane Knitted Fabric

  4. 大豆纤维氨纶弹力针织布染整加工技术

    Dyeing and Finishing of Soybean Fibre / Spandex Knitted Fabric

  5. 对染色后的针织布进行染色效果、色牢度的测试分析。

    The dyeing effect and colour fastness on the knitted fabric are analyzed .

  6. 针织布连续印花工艺的探讨

    Approach to Continuous Printing Process of Knitted Fabrics

  7. 棉纱均匀度与针织布外观质量关系的仿真处理研究

    A Study on Imitation Treatment of Relation between Cotton Yarn Unevenness and Knitted Fabric Appearence

  8. 对经不同丝光工艺处理的丝光针织布进行染色,经比较,确定了最佳丝光工艺条件。

    Dyeing process of mercerized knits is carried out , the optimum conditions for mercerization are defined .

  9. 圆筒形针织布定形机

    Circular knit setting machine

  10. 本公司同时还有国产大园机多台,生产服装针织布,摇粒绒,网布等产品。

    The company also made many machines Units , Production Clothing knitted fabric , polar fleece , mesh and other products .

  11. 目的观察甲壳素含量不同的针织布体外抑制或杀灭细菌或癣菌的作用。

    OBJECTIVE To observe the effects of textiles with different concentrations of chitin to inhibit or kill bacteria and dermatophytes in vitro .

  12. 分析棉/氨纶针织布染色细皱纹、折痕的形成原因,通过优化工艺流程,提出改进措施。

    The fine wrinkle and crease formed in the cotton / polyurethane knitted fabric dyeing process are analyzed and improved , the technical process is optimized .

  13. 通过对机织布、针织布、斜纹布和网眼布等不同种类织物的仿真验证了该算法的有效性和适应性。

    Computer simulation demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can adapt to the identification of several different kinds of fabric as woven , stockinet , damask and mesh fabric .

  14. 面料包括全棉、棉、纤的单面布,双面布、衣布和各种花色针织布。

    Fabrics include Cotton , polyester cotton , and chemical fiber cloth of one-sided , double-sided fabrics , cloth and sweater knitted fabrics of various colors and designs .

  15. 本公司专业生产各类中高档箱包鞋材面料,兼营针织布,坯布,以及各种家纺面料和服装面料。

    Our company specializes in producing all kinds of middle-grade fabric shoe bags , run knitting cloth , fabric , and a variety of home textile fabrics and clothing fabrics .

  16. 系统地研究了采用共混纺丝方法研制出的远红外丙纶短纤维的物理机械性能、远红外发射性能及远红外丙纶针织布的耐洗涤性和保温性能。

    The physical mechanical and far-infrared radiated properties of far-infrared polypropylene staple which was made by spinning and weaving of mixture of polymer and far-infrared inorganic powder are studied . And the heat-preservation and wash resistance of far-infrared polypropylene staple fabric are also studied .

  17. 解决活性针织印花布皂洗沾色问题

    Solving the staining in soaping of knitted prints with reactive dyes

  18. 超细纤维针织洁净布性能与开纤工艺研究

    The Research on the Properties and Splitting Process of Micro-Fiber Knitted Cleaning Cloths

  19. 提高针织涤纶网眼布质量探讨

    An Investingation into Quality of Knitted Polyester Technical Cloth

  20. 聚氨酯微乳液用于针织人造毛皮底布涂层的研究

    Study on polyurethane microemulsion for back coating of pile fabrics

  21. 经编针织物起绒针布的维护

    Maintenance of Velveting Clothing of Warp-knitting Fabric

  22. 经编针织物增强塑料布纱切现象的研究

    A Research on " Yarn Cut " Phenomenon of Reinforced Plastic Film with Bi-Axial Warp Knitted Skeleton

  23. 天然靛青染色的产品有:纯棉袜子,含棉针织布料,亚麻布,丝绸,牛仔布等。

    Our natural indigo products : Pure cotton sock , China print , Cotton cloth , Linen cloth , Silk , Jean etc.