
  • 网络acid food;acidic food;acid-forming diet
  1. 在某些酸性食物制品中它被使用作为防腐剂。

    It is used as a preservative in certain acid food products .

  2. 避免酸性食物和饮料,不要喝加糖饮料。

    Avoid acidic foods and beverages and carbonated drinks .

  3. 泡菜所含的一些物质同样有助于防止由于过量的肉和酸性食物引起的高酸性。

    Substances in Kimchi also help to prevent hyperacidity resulting from excess meat and other acidic foods .

  4. 而唾液正像一道保护牙齿的屏障,把橘子等酸性食物以及细菌分解食物产生的酸性物质中和掉。

    Saliva acts as a barrier , protecting the teeth by neutralising acidic foods such as oranges , and the acid produced by bacteria as they break down foods .

  5. 中国夏代人牙齿磨耗的研究牙齿磨耗受诸多因素影响,喜食硬质、酸性食物对牙齿磨耗影响最大(P<0.05)。

    Multiple factors most frequently considered to be contributed to tooth wear , the habituation of eating hard diet or sour diet has significant correlation with tooth wear ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 中老年人前牙磨耗的程度高于后牙,牙齿磨耗受多种致病因素共同影响,其中喜食硬质、酸性食物对牙齿磨耗的影响最大。

    In both arches , anterior teeth of elderly people exhibited greater wear than did posterior teeth . Multiple factors most frequently considered to be contributed to TW , the habitation of eating hard diet or sour diet had significant correlation with TW .

  7. 避免食用能刺激溃疡处的热的,辣的或酸性的食物。

    Stay away from hot , spicy or acidic foods that can irritate the sore .

  8. 有些孕妇特别喜好吃酸性和生冷食物。

    Some pregnant women like eating the acidity and raw and cold food specially .

  9. 芝士棒,或任何一种芝士,都具有基本的特征含碱性物质(与酸性的相反),它会中和口中酸性的食物,让蛀牙更难发生。

    Cheese sticks , or any kind of cheese has basic properties ( bases being opposites of acids ), which neutralizes acidic foods in the mouth , making it harder for cavity to start .