
fànɡ sōnɡ jī ròu
  • relax one’s muscles
  1. 有意识地放松肌肉。

    Make a conscious effort to relax your muscles .

  2. WIN这三个字母分别代表健康、灵感和营养。他们表示,这套15分钟的动作只用两步就可以达到平静心灵,放松肌肉和促进营养的效果。

    a 15-minute routine they say delivers peace of mind , muscle relieving exercises and a nutrient boost in just two simple steps .

  3. 这能让我减缓心跳放松肌肉。

    It 'll slow my heart rate and relax my muscles .

  4. 赛跑前运动员们正在放松肌肉。

    The runners are loosening up their muscles before the race .

  5. 你想要我麻醉她来放松肌肉吗?

    You want me to get paralytic to relax the muscles ?

  6. 放松肌肉,而在每一个深度延伸。

    Relax the muscle while in the depth of each stretch .

  7. 结束一天的行走,队员在放松肌肉。

    The team relaxing at the end of the day .

  8. 赛跑选手们伸屈四肢,放松肌肉以此作为比赛前的准备活动。

    The runners flexed their muscles as the preparatory activities for the race .

  9. 训练结束之后,运动员们都接受按摩,以放松肌肉。

    The athletes were rubbed down after the training .

  10. 缓解操(放松肌肉,疏缓办公压力)

    Relax exercise ( relax musle and work pressure )

  11. 具有调和气血放松肌肉与理顺组织的作用。

    It has the function of regulating qi-blood and tissues , and relaxing muscles .

  12. 这是一种平静心灵,放松肌肉的好方法。

    It 's a great way to ease your mind and relax your muscles .

  13. 赛跑运动员在比赛前要活动活动,以放松肌肉。

    A runner exercises before a race to prevent his muscles from tensing up .

  14. 菠萝还包含菠萝酶,能帮助你放松肌肉。

    Pineapple also contains an enzyme known as bromelain that helps in relaxing muscles .

  15. 60秒的轻声笑能释放造成压力的内啡肽,放松肌肉。

    A 60-second chuckle is all it takes to release stress-busting endorphins and relax the muscles .

  16. 放松肌肉,特别是颈部和四肢不要紧张。教练员在训练运动员时说的话。

    Relax your muscles , especially , do not is tense in the neck and limbs .

  17. 从鸦片中提取的生物碱药物;用来放松肌肉;不会让人上瘾。

    An alkaloid medicine obtained from opium ; used to relax smooth muscles ; it is nonaddictive .

  18. 一旦定位,需要几个深呼吸和放松肌肉,强调或不。

    Once positioned , take a few deep breaths and relax your muscles , stressed or not .

  19. 充分意识到你的肌肉并放松肌肉紧张有助于保持身心平衡。

    Being aware of your muscles and releasing the tension in them will help keep your mind and spirit balanced .

  20. 深呼吸会将额外的氧气输送到你的大脑,让你思路清晰、放松肌肉。

    When you breathe deeply , it sends extra oxygen to your brain for clarity of thought and relaxes your muscles .

  21. 不如专注于放松肌肉而肌肉仅用非常少,来保持腿部伸直。

    And keep straight leg , I will like to more concentrate on release your muscle and only use very little .

  22. 本按摩器械是采用热疗原理起到减轻压力,减轻疲劳,缓解紧张,放松肌肉的作用。

    Massage instrument that introduces the principle of the heat treatment to lessen stress , relieve fatigue , ease tension and relax muscles .

  23. 具有调和气血、理顺组织、舒筋通络与放松肌肉的作用。

    It has the function of regulating qi , blood and tissues , relaxing muscle and tendons and removing obstruction in the channels .

  24. 泡澡的时候放一点浴盐可以有效地舒缓压力、放松肌肉,让身体在一整天工作之后好好地放松一下。

    Soaking in epsomsalts will help relievestress and sootheyour muscles , allowing your body to unwind after a long day on the job .

  25. 笑声会释放压力,加速血液循环,放松肌肉,提升强健的免疫系统,缓解疼痛。

    Laughter has been shown to relieve stress , stimulate blood flow , relax muscles , promote a healthy immune system and relieve pain .

  26. 你在进行的是一系列锻炼活动,其期间,在吸气时紧张肌肉;呼气时放松肌肉。

    You do a series of exercises in which you tense your muscles as you breathe in and relax them as you breathe out .

  27. 游泳不但能增强身体的血液循环,它还能放松肌肉从而缓解肌肉的紧张感。

    As swimming improves the blood flow in your body , it also relaxes the muscles that frees up the tension that the muscles feel .

  28. 医生给韦布开了小剂量的镇静药,名为氯硝西泮,用来在夜间放松肌肉,让他的身体可以忘却他的不当行为。

    He is prescribed a mild dose of a sedative called clonazepam to relax his muscles at night so his body can unlearn its misbehaviour .

  29. 古人发明这些体能伸展不是为了个人健康,而是为了放松肌肉与心灵,为打坐做准备。

    The ancients developed these physical stretches not for personal fitness , but to loosen up their muscles and minds in order to prepare them for meditation .

  30. 当你坐在椅子上,注视着电脑键盘,放松肌肉,想象你抬起右臂敲击,S,键。

    If you sit in your chairs and look at this keyboard , and relax your muscles and imagine moving your right arm up and hitting the " s " key .