
  • 网络adequate intake;AI adequate intake
  1. 结果:(1)平均每人每日的能量摄入达到推荐的适宜摄入量(AI值),但蛋白质和脂肪供能比偏高,分别为总能量的18.9%和38.6%,碳水化物摄入不足,只有42.5%。

    Results : ( 1 ) The daily average energy intake reached the adequate intake ( AI ) recommended for athletes , but the energy ratio both of protein and fat higher , carbohydrate lower , being 18.9 % , 38.6 % and 42.5 % respectively .

  2. 本文综述维生素矿物质补充对儿童生长发育的研究,及中国营养学会建议的推荐摄入量(RNI)/适宜摄入量(AI),以了解维生素矿物质补充对儿童生长发育的作用。

    In this article , we review the studies on effects of vitamins and minerals supplementation on children 's growth and development and introduce the Recommended Nutrient Intake ( RNI ) and Adequate Intake ( AI ) of vitamins and minerals proposed by Chinese Society on Nutrition .

  3. 18-25岁人群维生素A和锌联合补充适宜摄入量的初步探讨

    Primary Discussion on Adequate Intake of Vitamin A and Zinc of People Aged 18-25

  4. 并提出了在30±2℃高温下,保证产蛋高峰期90%以上高产蛋率,蛋鸡的主要营养素适宜摄入量。

    At30 ± 2 ℃, the proper daily nutrients intake of layers keeping 90 % high egg production at production has been proposed .

  5. 【结论】使用氟化泡沫后,氟的摄入量小于每日总氟适宜摄入量及每日慢性中毒量,氟化泡沫使用是安全的。

    [ Conclusion ] It was safe to use fluoride foam when fluorid foam concentration was lower than total dose in need and chronic toxic dose .