
shì yìnɡ jìn huà
  • adaptive evolution
  1. 外来入侵植物对环境梯度和天敌逃逸的适应进化

    Adaptive evolution in response to environmental gradients and enemy release in invasive alien plant species

  2. 这些进展阐明了一种新的途径去阐明复杂特性从核苷酸序列到真实环境的适应进化。

    These advances illustrate the potential for a new synthesis to elucidate mechanisms for the adaptive evolution of complex traits from nucleotide sequences to real-world environments .

  3. 生物适应进化理论与我国的人口及环境问题

    The Organic Adaptive Evolutionary Theory and Chinese Population & Environment Question

  4. 【中英文摘要】地下鼠是一类生活在特殊生境中的啮齿动物,是研究动物适应进化的理想材料。

    Subterranean rodents are rodents which live in special ecotope .

  5. 生物适应进化及其分子机制

    On organic adaptive evolutionary theory and its molecular mechanism

  6. 感觉系统的适应进化机制一直是动物行为学研究的焦点。

    Adaptive evolutionary mechanisms of sensory systems are the focus of the animal behavior research .

  7. 这些变异可能是对高原环境长期适应进化的基因分子机制。

    The mutations may be the molecular mechanisms of adaptation to the plateau environment during evolution .

  8. 因此,这为地下啮齿动物视觉系统进化提供了理想的研究材料,将对地下啮齿动物视觉系统适应进化机制的研究起积极促进作用。

    And it will assist in revealing the adaptive evolutionary mechanism of visual system of subterranean rodents .

  9. 该属植物的一些花部特征表现出明显的种间差异,为研究该属植物的花部适应进化提供了理想的材料。

    Some floral traits obviously varied among species , which provided an ideal study system to explore the adaptation of floral traits in Epimedium .

  10. 本文着重阐述的是集成的相容性原理、互补性原理、界面选择原理、功能倍增原理和适应进化原理。

    The paper mainly expounds the compatibility principle , compensation each other , interface alternative principle , function multination principle , adaptation and evolution principle of integrated theory .

  11. 由于长期的适应进化,其视觉系统的形态结构和功能发生了巨大的变化,其中最为显著的是眼变小,视觉退化。

    As a result of the long evolutionary adaptation , the visual system structure and function of the shape changes dramatically , the most notable of which is smaller eyes , and visual degradation .

  12. 在此期间,北方物种向南入侵,南北成分交互渗透,高山类群适应进化,使许多特有成分在这里被陶冶、孕育,故而造成了该地区蝇科区系的特有性和物种的多样性。

    In the meantime , with the southward invasion of the northern species and the adaptive evolution of the alpine species , the greatest fauna particularity and species diversity are to be found in this region .

  13. 本文综述了地下啮齿动物视觉系统的结构、功能、进化与发育等方面的研究进展,旨在阐明地下啮齿动物视觉系统的特点,有助于开展地下啮齿动物视觉系统适应进化机制的研究。

    The adaptive structures , function , evolution and development of subterranean rodents are reviewed in this paper in order to further illustrate traits of visual system , and better assist the study of the adaptive evolutionary mechanisms of visual system in subterranean rodents .

  14. 在长期的适应进化中,桃蚜与其他蚜虫一样,为了适应复杂多变的生活环境,产生了一系列的多型多态现象,其中体色多态和寄主专化型就是其最为常见的多型多态现象。

    Host biotypes and their formation causes in aphids In the long term adaptation and evolution , the same as other aphids , in order to adapt complicated and constantly changed environment , green peach aphid gives rise to a series of multi-forms and multi-shapes .

  15. 黄鼬被毛结构复杂,形态多样,栖息于不同生境类型的生态型之间被毛特征具有明显的分化,这为通过被毛的形态结构特征来研究动物适应进化提供了理想的素材。

    The pelage morphological structure of weasel is complicated and high diversity , the characteristics of pelage of weasels from different habitat type show obvious differentiation , which provide a ideal object for researching adaptive evolution of animal by the morphological structure and characteristics of pelage .

  16. 生态恢复是生态科学的最终实验,从种群角度看,恢复的目标是使种群(尤其是优势种或建群种)恢复到具有生长、繁殖和适应进化变化的能力。

    Ecological restoration is the ultimate experiment of ecological science . From the view of population , a major goal of restoration is to restore the ability of growth reproduction migration and adaptive evolutionary change of populations especially those populations that are dominants or edificators of communities .

  17. 植物与草食动物之间的协同适应及进化

    Progress in the coadaptation and coevolution between plants and herbivores

  18. 爱德加?安德生解释说,纯种树通常能适应其进化所在的生境。

    Edgar Anderson postulated that pure species were usually well adapted to the habitats on which they evolved .

  19. 相反,浑浊却会完全阻碍复杂的活体系统的预测、适应以及进化。

    Opaqueness , on the other hand , would hinder anticipation , adaptation , and evolution of complex vivisystems altogether .

  20. 当然,假如泡水起皱反应真的是适应环境进化的结果,那它当然不适用于这些精心设计的实验环境。

    Of course , if the wet-wrinkling response did evolve as an adaptation , it was certainly not for the highly contrived laboratory conditions in which these experiments were run .

  21. “从进化角度看,迷信似乎并不适应(进化理论),”最近发表于《动物行为》的研究论文撰稿人之一、渥太华卡尔顿大学的生物学家凯文阿伯特说道。

    " From an evolutionary perspective , superstitions seem maladaptive ," said Kevin Abbott , biologist at Carleton University in Ottawa and co-author of a recent study published in Animal Behavior .

  22. 多重群体遗传算法模型求解优化问题的基本过程分为建立初始种群、适应与进化、进化成熟后的处理等内容。

    The process of solving an optimization problem with the multi group genetic algorithms model consists of the establishment of the initial species group , the adaptation and evolution , the disposal after the evolution 's mature and so on .

  23. Captan、PEG和KNO3等常用的预处理措施均不能提高巴西盾柱木种子在不同干旱胁强下的萌发率,这也表明其对不规律干旱逆境已经形成固有的生态适应即生态进化。

    Neither priming in Captan nor in PEG and in KNO_3 do no good in P . dubium seed germination under different drought stress , which shows it has adapted ecologically to the not regular drought stress as its inherent ecological adaptation , that is , ecological evolution .

  24. 一般来讲,适应代价由进化代价和生态代价组成。

    In general the adaptation cost was composed of evolution cost and ecology cost .

  25. 植物-植食性昆虫-寄生蜂三级营养结构之间由于长期相互适应和协同进化,产生了一系列独特的相互关系。

    Specific interactions were involved in host plant-herbivore-parasitoid system based on the adaptive strategies and coevolution on tritrophic interactions .

  26. 为维护群体的多样性,保证寻优的收敛,选择概率和交叉概率的设计可以随个体适应度和进化阶段的不同而自适应变化。

    The adaptive crosser and mutation operators are devised to maintain the variety of population and to ensure the convergence of algorithm .

  27. 遗传算法只采用基于适应度的进化模式,没有考虑个体的环境和个体之间的关系。

    Individual evolution is only based on its fitness in Genetic Algorithm , but its living environment and relationship with other individuals aren 't involved .

  28. 动物行为生态学是研究动物行为的原因、发生或发展、适应功能、进化历史的一门科学。

    Animal behavior ecology is a science , which studies the cause , developing , fitting faction , evaluating of history in animal 's behavior .

  29. 对粘液种子的研究不仅可全面揭示荒漠植物的生态适应机制及其进化生态意义,还可为研究基因控制的糖类生物合成和分泌、细胞次生壁的生物合成及形态分化建立理想的模式体系。

    In addition to furthering our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary aspects of desert plants to their environment , research on mucilaginous seeds will be helpful in building a model system for exploring gene control mechanisms of carbohydrate synthesis and secretion , secondary cell wall biosynthesis and cell morphogenesis .

  30. 头骨也缺少一个气孔,这是鲸鱼用来适应水下潜水进化而成的。

    The skull also lacks a blowhole , another cetacean adaptation for diving .