- adaptive evolution

Adaptive evolution in response to environmental gradients and enemy release in invasive alien plant species
These advances illustrate the potential for a new synthesis to elucidate mechanisms for the adaptive evolution of complex traits from nucleotide sequences to real-world environments .
The Organic Adaptive Evolutionary Theory and Chinese Population & Environment Question
Subterranean rodents are rodents which live in special ecotope .
On organic adaptive evolutionary theory and its molecular mechanism
Adaptive evolutionary mechanisms of sensory systems are the focus of the animal behavior research .
The mutations may be the molecular mechanisms of adaptation to the plateau environment during evolution .
And it will assist in revealing the adaptive evolutionary mechanism of visual system of subterranean rodents .
Some floral traits obviously varied among species , which provided an ideal study system to explore the adaptation of floral traits in Epimedium .
The paper mainly expounds the compatibility principle , compensation each other , interface alternative principle , function multination principle , adaptation and evolution principle of integrated theory .
As a result of the long evolutionary adaptation , the visual system structure and function of the shape changes dramatically , the most notable of which is smaller eyes , and visual degradation .
In the meantime , with the southward invasion of the northern species and the adaptive evolution of the alpine species , the greatest fauna particularity and species diversity are to be found in this region .
The adaptive structures , function , evolution and development of subterranean rodents are reviewed in this paper in order to further illustrate traits of visual system , and better assist the study of the adaptive evolutionary mechanisms of visual system in subterranean rodents .
Host biotypes and their formation causes in aphids In the long term adaptation and evolution , the same as other aphids , in order to adapt complicated and constantly changed environment , green peach aphid gives rise to a series of multi-forms and multi-shapes .
The pelage morphological structure of weasel is complicated and high diversity , the characteristics of pelage of weasels from different habitat type show obvious differentiation , which provide a ideal object for researching adaptive evolution of animal by the morphological structure and characteristics of pelage .
Ecological restoration is the ultimate experiment of ecological science . From the view of population , a major goal of restoration is to restore the ability of growth reproduction migration and adaptive evolutionary change of populations especially those populations that are dominants or edificators of communities .
Progress in the coadaptation and coevolution between plants and herbivores
Edgar Anderson postulated that pure species were usually well adapted to the habitats on which they evolved .
Opaqueness , on the other hand , would hinder anticipation , adaptation , and evolution of complex vivisystems altogether .
Of course , if the wet-wrinkling response did evolve as an adaptation , it was certainly not for the highly contrived laboratory conditions in which these experiments were run .
" From an evolutionary perspective , superstitions seem maladaptive ," said Kevin Abbott , biologist at Carleton University in Ottawa and co-author of a recent study published in Animal Behavior .
The process of solving an optimization problem with the multi group genetic algorithms model consists of the establishment of the initial species group , the adaptation and evolution , the disposal after the evolution 's mature and so on .
Neither priming in Captan nor in PEG and in KNO_3 do no good in P . dubium seed germination under different drought stress , which shows it has adapted ecologically to the not regular drought stress as its inherent ecological adaptation , that is , ecological evolution .
In general the adaptation cost was composed of evolution cost and ecology cost .
Specific interactions were involved in host plant-herbivore-parasitoid system based on the adaptive strategies and coevolution on tritrophic interactions .
The adaptive crosser and mutation operators are devised to maintain the variety of population and to ensure the convergence of algorithm .
Individual evolution is only based on its fitness in Genetic Algorithm , but its living environment and relationship with other individuals aren 't involved .
Animal behavior ecology is a science , which studies the cause , developing , fitting faction , evaluating of history in animal 's behavior .
In addition to furthering our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary aspects of desert plants to their environment , research on mucilaginous seeds will be helpful in building a model system for exploring gene control mechanisms of carbohydrate synthesis and secretion , secondary cell wall biosynthesis and cell morphogenesis .
The skull also lacks a blowhole , another cetacean adaptation for diving .