
  • 网络green pellets
  1. 结果表明:采用强力混合机进行添加复合有机粘结剂的混合料制备,在工艺技术上是可行的,其生球、干球质量均可满足直接还原工艺的要求。

    The results show that the application of intensive mixer for preparation of mixture with addition of the organic binder is feasible and the quality of both green pellets and dry pellets can meet the requirement of DR process .

  2. 结果表明:有机粘结剂CC和皂土均可降低生球长大速度,提高生球、干球落下和抗压强度,但生产同样质量的球团矿,CC的用量只有皂土用量的1/10。

    The results showed that " CC " and bentonite may reduce growth speed of green pellets and increase strengths of green and dry pellets , but " CC " addition rates were only one - tenth of that of bentonite producing the same quality pellets .

  3. 试验结果表明适宜的水分为84%~10%,适宜的造球时间为30min,内配煤量对生球强度影响很小。

    The experimental results show that the proper pelletizing parameters are 8.4 % ~ 10 % of water addition and 30 minutes of pelletizing time . The coal addition has little influence on strength of green pellets .

  4. 高压辊磨预处理铁精粉对生球性能的影响

    Effect of high pressure roller mill pre-treating concentrates on greenball propertys

  5. 杜仲内生球毛壳菌的抗氧化活性研究

    Antioxidant activity of endophytic Chaetomium globosum from Eucommia ulmoides

  6. 内燃球团矿生球性质的研究

    Study on properties of carbon - bearing green pellets

  7. 生球干燥过程及其数学模型

    Process of drying iron ore green pellets and proposal to its mathematic model

  8. 含粘结剂的磁铁矿生球强度机理研究

    Study on the strength mechanism of green pellets from concentrate with binding additives

  9. 实验室研究表明:配加轻烧白云石粉之后,生球成球性能有所改善;

    The results showed that the pelletizing performance is improved with addition of dolomite powder .

  10. 生球抗压强度大小体现了固体颗粒间液相联接桥抗拉能力的强弱。

    The wet compression strength reflects the tensile resistance property of liquid bridge between solid particles .

  11. 生球成核率随着水分的增加而提高;

    With in creasing of the moisture , the nucleation rate of the green bau raises .

  12. 添加消石灰,膨润土及无烟煤粉均能提高尘泥渣生球的强度。

    The green ball strength can be improved by adding slaked lime , bentonite and anthracite fines .

  13. 生球变化、生物多样性丧失和生态环境退化严重威胁着人类社会的可持续发展。

    Global change , biodiversity loss and ecological degradation seriously threatens the sustainable development of human society .

  14. 造球盘衬板对生球质量的影响及改进措施

    Influence of granulating disc 's lining on quality of green pellets and measures to improve the lining

  15. 在一定的充填范围内,生球平均直径与给料量无关。

    The average diameter of green ball was unconcerned with feed rate within a certain range of filling ratio .

  16. 研究了水分、膨润土配比和矿粉粒度对冀东磁铁矿生球性能的影响。

    The influences of moisture , bentonite ratio and granularity on green pellet properties of Jidong magnetite concentrates were studied .

  17. 水分对生球性能影响显著,最佳的造球水分范围为7.9%~8.4%;

    Moisture has markedly effect on green ball properties , optimal balling moisture should be 7.9 % ~ 8.4 % ;

  18. 极大改善了磁铁矿精矿的造球性能,提高了生球质量。

    As a result , the balling performance of magnetite concentrate was greatly improved and the quality of green ball raised .

  19. 球团生产中配加有机改性膨润土,明显改善了生球的强度和提高了生球爆裂温度。

    By adding organic activated bentonite in palletizing production , the strength and shock temperature of green balls were improved obviously .

  20. 研究了不同的粒度组成大冶铁精矿对生球质量与成品球团抗压强度的影响。

    The influence of green ball quality and palletizing crushing strength are studied by using different size distribution of DAYE concentrate .

  21. 杜仲内生球毛壳菌发酵产物体外抗脂质过氧化和保护红细胞的研究

    In vitro Anti-Lipid Peroxidation and Red Blood Cell Protecting Effects of Fermentation Broth Extract Produced by Endophytic Chaetomium globosum from Eucommia ulmoides

  22. 研究了润磨预处理对生球强度、生球爆裂温度、预热球强度和成品球质量的影响。

    The effects of wet-grinding on the quality of wet pellet , preheated pellet and fired pellets were studied in this paper .

  23. 但由于各原料成份变化大、不稳定,从而导致生球的质量和料层厚度变化也比较大,难以控制。

    But because of the composition of materials changed rapidly , so the quality and thickness of crude pallet also changed rapidly .

  24. 配加复合粘结剂的生球爆裂温度和成品球强度指标均有下降,但这些指标都能满足球团生产和高炉冶炼要求。

    The green ball shock temperature and the product pellets strength were all decreased , but it still can meet the BF requirement .

  25. 润磨是改善硫酸渣生球强度,降低膨润土用量及生球水分的有效手段。

    Moisture grinding is an effective means to improve the strength of green balls , lower the dosage of bentonite and moisture of green balls .

  26. 因而关键问题便在于如何找到不同质量生球,在不同料厚下的理想工艺参数。由于系统内热工状态复杂,有热辐射、热传导,也有热对流;

    So the pivotal problem is how to find the grate-kiln system 's perfect technics parameter for the different quality and thickness of crude pellet .

  27. 结论:杜仲内生球毛壳菌发酵液提取物在体外有较显著的抗脂质过氧化作用和通过降低氧化溶血而保护红细胞的作用。

    In conclusion , this extract has significant in vitro anti-lipid peroxidation activity and protective effects on red blood cells resulting from decrease in oxidative hemolysis .

  28. 本文通过对影响生球的圆辊筛进行探讨研究并提出改造方案。

    This article through to affects lives the ball the round roller to sieve carries on the discussion to study and to propose the transformation plan .

  29. 当混合料部分润磨,其粒度分布合理时,生球爆裂温度与不润磨时基本相近。

    However , the shock temperature of green pellets is declined , which can be encountered by partially damp milling of feed mixture and modifying the size distribution .

  30. 生球的抗压强度和落下强度受水分的影响显著,分别在水分为8.3%和7.8%时达到最高值;

    The compression strength attained maxium while the moisture content is 8.3 % , and the incidence strength arrived at maxium when the moisture content is 7.8 % .