
yánɡ qí
  • seed bed with windbreaks
阳畦 [yáng qí]
  • [rice seeding bed facing south] 苗床的一种,设在向阳的地方,四周用土培成框,北面或四周安上风障,利用阳光加温

  1. 重庆春季阳畦栽培平菇类型和品种比较试验

    Various cultivars and type of Pinggu variety experiment in cold frame during spring in Chongqing

  2. 凤尾蕨的繁殖生物学研究凤尾菇的阳畦栽培试验

    Reproductive biology of pteris cretica and pteris umbrosa A STUDY ON THE CULTIVATION OF PHOENIX MUSHROOM IN OPEN AIR BED METHOD

  3. 10年前,当我在英国西南部一个荒凉的阳畦中找到两株紫斑幼苗时,我的手都激动得颤抖了起来。

    Ten years ago , my hands shook with excitement when I found two young plants of it in a West Country cold frame in the middle of nowhere .