
  • 网络March
  1. 重视户外体育活动。阳春三月户外行

    And focus on the outdoor sports . Outdoor activities in March

  2. 阳春三月桃花开了,我的博客也开通了。

    March , a peach blossom in full bloom , I registered a blog .

  3. 新的一学期来临了,阳春三月,草长莺飞。

    With the coming of the new semester , spring March , the grass sprout out of the earth .

  4. 阳春三月,本该是春暖花开,春风和煦,春意盎然的好时节。

    Yangchun in March , which was supposed to the warmth of spring genial spring and spring is a good season .

  5. 每年阳春三月,十里桃花,嫣红一片,分外妖娆。

    In March every year , the peach trees will be in full bloom , presenting a colourful scene of great charm .

  6. 阳春三月,一年一度的学雷锋纪念日又到了,人们开始以各种行动向雷锋学习。

    Yangchun in March , the annual anniversary and to learn from Lei Feng , and people began to learn a variety of actions to Lei Feng .

  7. 这是迈克尔在准备《就是这样》谢幕巡演时写给自己的警句:训练有素,展现完美,阳春三月,细雨四月,拼尽全力,流火五月

    Words of encouragement : Michael wrote to himself : 'Train , perfection , March , April , Full Out , May * 'as he prepared for the This Is It tour