
  • 网络cinnamomum longepaniculatum
  1. 油樟组织培养污染率控制试验

    Contamination Rates Control Experiment in Tissue Culture of Cinnamomum longepaniculatum ( Gamble ) N.Chan

  2. 利用薄切片法对油樟茎叶油细胞和粘液细胞发育的研究结果表明:油细胞最早发生于第二叶原基以及茎端皮层和髓的基本分生组织中。

    The development of oil and mucilage cells in the stem and leaf of Cinnamomum longepaniculatum were studied with the help of method of semithin section .

  3. 鱼药丑牛10号是用油樟、岩桂、紫穗槐、吴茱萸、安息香等植物配成的制剂。

    Chouniu No.10 is a fishery medicine made from Cinnamomum Ionge-paiculatum , Cinnamomum petrophilium , Amorpha fruticosa , Evodia rut-aecarpa , Styrax hypoglauca .

  4. 对油樟叶精油化学成分及其在水蒸气蒸馏过程中含量变化情况进行了研究。

    Chemical components of leaf essential oils from Cinnamomum longe-paniculatum and the change of contents of these components during steam-distillation process were studied .