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  • 网络Oil Paint;Oil
  1. 笔触是带有颜料的油画笔在画布上运动的痕迹。

    Brush strokes with paint oil paintings on canvas movement traces .

  2. 油画笔取代了自由伸展的肢体,她向一个神秘的世界试探着伸出画笔,以期能够触碰到神灵,抚慰孱弱的心灵。

    Free stretching was replaced by the oil painting brush : with the brush , she is tentatively exploring a world of mystery , hoping to meet divinities to find solace for a fragile soul .

  3. 如果没有油画笔和刮刀忠实地反映画家的意志,就没有今天油画的发展史。

    There would not be the history of canvas without paintbrush and drawknife .

  4. 第一章论述了油画运笔的演变及发展史。

    The first chapter discusses the evolution of the texture of the brushwork and the development of its history .

  5. 第四章对油画艺术中运笔价值的几点思考。

    The fourth chapter contains several Reflections about the value of TB in oil painting .

  6. 将刀绘技法运用于风景油画的创作,可以收到色泽鲜明、画面响亮的特殊效果,有着油画笔不可替代的作用。

    Paint-knife skills in Canvas painting can generate an unsubstitutable effect of bright color and featured illustration .