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  • canvas
  1. 那个画家在油画布上轻轻地涂着颜色。用金色和紫色颜料涂染;

    The artist dabbed paint on the canvas . Hang it with fair and purple dyes ;

  2. 在油画布上以刺绣棉线作画,并把数学曲线作为形象。

    The artist is exploring the probability of " paint " on the canvas with cotton thread .

  3. 他(在油画布上)涂上了一些红颜色。

    He daubed some red paint on ( the canvas ) .

  4. 画家把油画布紧绷在画框上。

    The painter stretched the canvas on a frame .

  5. 全景画馆油画布竖向燃烧实验与火灾模拟

    Experimental Study on Vertical Combustion of Canvas and Fire Simulation in Panorama Museum

  6. 油画布上满是涂抹的颜料.他用涂料在帆布上画。

    He daubed the canvas over with paint .

  7. 画家正往画布上涂颜料。那个画家在油画布上轻轻地涂着颜色。

    The painter was laying colours on canvas . The artist dabbed paint on the canvas .

  8. 专业油画布,温莎.牛顿高级油画颜料.那个画家在油画布上轻轻地涂着颜色。

    【 Material 】: Professional canvas , WINSOR & NEWTON oil colors . The artist dabbed paint on the canvas .

  9. 画家把颜料混进油里来调色。他(在油画布上)涂上了一些红颜色。

    A painter tempers his colours by mixing them with oil . He daubed some red paint on ( the canvas ) .

  10. 彩绘油画布[即剧场布景、摄影背景幕及类似制品剪栽成形,成卷或固定在木框或金属框上]

    Painted canvas [ i.e. , theatrical scenery , studio backcloths and the like , cut to shape , in rolls or mounted on wooden or metal frames ]

  11. 瑞士联邦理工学院对油画布进行了碳标记法检测,他们发现这幅画确实是在1410至1455年间创作的,反驳了此前有人声称的16世纪末复制品的说法。

    The Zurich institute carried out a carbon-dating test on the canvas of its painting and found that it was almost certainly manufactured between 1410 and 1455 , refuting claims that it was a late 16th century copy .