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yóu nì
  • greasy;oily;greasy food;fatty;oily food;larded
油腻 [yóu nì]
  • (1) [oily;fatty]∶指油很多

  • 总吃油腻大的东西对身体不利

  • (2) [larded]∶盖上或擦上动物脂的

油腻[yóu nì]
  1. 油腻的炸薯条令她恶心。

    The greasy chips made her feel sick .

  2. 这食物味重而油腻。

    The food is heavy and greasy .

  3. 过了一会儿,浓味沙司开始显得油腻了。

    After a while , the rich sauce begins to cloy .

  4. 一团油腻的黑色烟雾飘到悬崖顶上。

    A pall of oily black smoke drifted over the clifftop .

  5. 再加奶油会让它过于油腻。

    Additional cream would make it too rich .

  6. 保罗觉得这种酱太油腻了。

    Paul found the sauce too oily .

  7. 医生说她不能吃太油腻的东西。

    The doctor says that she should not eat anything too oily .

  8. 这汤太油腻了。

    The soup is too oily .

  9. 膳食应该适当,即不能太油腻也不能太粗淡。

    The diet should be suitable , being neither too rich nor too meagre .

  10. 他胃不好,吃不得油腻的东西。

    He has a delicate digestion and cannot eat oily food .

  11. 得了痢疾忌讳吃生冷油腻。

    People suffering from dysentery must avoid raw , cold or greasy food .

  12. GordonRamsay这些价格超高的大碟油腻食物应该死绝。

    This huge dish of overpriced stodge should be extinct .

  13. 他们的研究结果发表在《美国心脏病学杂志》(AmericanJournalofCardiology)上。我们都知道,在晚餐吃油腻的汉堡对心脏并非最健康。

    They present their case in the American Journal of We all know that eating a greasy burger is not the most heart-healthy approach to dining .

  14. 结论:PD型驱避剂使用方便,无油腻感,效果较好。

    The PD type repellents were all superior to the other kinds of control types in repelling effectiveness , and have the advantages of easy to use and no sense of oily .

  15. carnitas外表略脆,里面却多汁油腻吗?

    Are the carnitas slightly crispy on the outside , with an interior succulent with greasy goodness ?

  16. 华盛顿大学医学院的研究者发现,肥胖人群对油腻食物的渴望可能跟他们体内的一种叫CD36的受体蛋白质的指数有关。

    But the Washington University School of Medicine researchers found that obese peoples cravings for fatty food may be related to their levels of a receptor called CD36 .

  17. 出生于成都的美籍华人、在中国西南地区为荷花美食游(LotusCulinaryTravel)担任导游的左子英(音)表示,比起饭店的版本,家常麻婆豆腐通常不会那么油腻,用料也要简单一些。

    According to Chinese-American Zuo Ziying , who was born in Chengdu and who conducts tours in southwest China for Lotus Culinary Travel , jiachang or home-style versions of mapo dofu are usually less oily and more simple than those cooked in restaurant kitchens .

  18. 用漂亮蓝瓶装的娇兰特效水凝清爽保湿霜(TheGuerlainSuperAqua-Crème)既有日霜(售价70英镑),也有晚霜(售价81英镑),用后效果很爽,压根不会有油腻感;

    The Guerlain Super Aqua-Cr è me - it comes in a day gel ( £ 70 ) and a night balm ( £ 81 ) in pretty blue pots - is very pleasant and not at all greasy-feeling ;

  19. 他吃油腻的东西太多,胃很难受。

    He upset his stomach by eating too much rich food .

  20. 质地细致柔软,赋予肌肤清爽不油腻质感;

    Delicate and tender texture gives skin clean and no-oil feelings .

  21. 别不早饭,避免辛辣油腻食品。

    Don 't skip breakfast , avoid spicy and oily food .

  22. 医生说我不能吃油腻的东西。

    The doctor says that I should not eat anything oily .

  23. 吃了这么多油腻、难消化的食物,我都觉得恶心了。

    I feel sick with all this fat and heavy food .

  24. 露西承认刚开始的时候她很担心油腻问题。

    She does admit she was worried about the grease factor .

  25. 你是否觉得吃的过多或油腻食品后肚子胀?

    Did you feel full after eating heavy or greasy food ?

  26. 我以为鸡蛋吃起来是油腻,黏糊糊的

    I thought eggs were going to be greasy and slimy ,

  27. 莎莉吃了很多油腻的东西,体重增加了。

    Sally picked up weight for eating all that rich food .

  28. 连肥肉也清爽不油腻,十分可口。

    Even fat also refreshing but not oily , very delicious .

  29. 古时候人们使用羊皮纸包油腻的食物。

    People used parchment to wrap greasy food in ancient times .

  30. 油腻的手指头打起字来真搞笑。

    It 's funny to typing words by my oily fingers .