
  • 网络Oily Hair
  1. 除非你是油性发质,否则根本没必要天天洗。

    Unless you have very oily hair , you don 't need to wash your hair every day .

  2. 蕴含清爽控油精华,能渗入头发与发根,平衡油份和水份,改善油性发质,令头发清爽自然。

    It contains salubrious oil-control essence , which penetrates into each hair in its whole length to balance the oil and moisture , improve oily hair , and make it smooth and natural .

  3. 这是因为油性发质的头发比较容易粘在一起。

    That is because oily hair tends to sticktogether .

  4. 不论你是油性或干性发质,都不要让护发素接触头皮。

    Whether you have oily or dry hair , never apply your hair conditioner to the scalp .