
yóu zhà tǔ dòu piàn
  • Fried potato chips;French fries
  1. 在油炸土豆片生产中应用HACCP控制微生物

    Application of HACCP to Control Microorganisms in the Production of Fried Potato Chips

  2. 端上来的第一道菜是油炸土豆片。

    The first dish that was brought on was potato crisps .

  3. 真空油炸土豆片的主要工艺条件的研究

    Study on the main parameter of the processing of the vaccum Frying Potato Chip

  4. 油炸土豆片工艺及设备的研究

    Process and Equipment for Frying Potato Crisp

  5. 甚至可以萃取油炸土豆片中一半的脂肪和鸡蛋中的大部分胆固醇。

    They can even extract half the fat from crisps and most of the cholesterol from eggs .

  6. 仅仅把英国跟其象征物鱼和油炸土豆片、讲演角、大本钟和伦敦塔联系在一起的观点已经过时了。

    The idea that England stands for Fish & Chips , Speaker 's Corner and Tower of London is past .

  7. 美国人经常以炒或煮鸡蛋、香肠、油炸土豆片、果子冻、烤面包、桔子汁以及咖啡等作为早餐。

    In American , they usually have fried or boiled eggs , sausage , fried potato chips , fruit jelly , toast , orange juice and coffee for breakfast .

  8. 我吃过煎鸡蛋和炸土豆条,但是要他们做出这些东西来可费事了。甚至可以萃取油炸土豆片中一半的脂肪和鸡蛋中的大部分胆固醇。

    I had fried eggs and chips , but it was quiet a business getting them to make them . They can even extract half the fat from crisps and most of the cholesterol from eggs .

  9. 孩子们甚至买不起一袋油炸薄脆土豆片当午餐。

    The children could not even afford to buy a bag of potato chips for lunch .