
  • 网络Onion Ring;Fried onion rings;Fried onion
  1. 炸鸡、炸洋葱圈等食品对肝脏的危害也很大。

    Foods like fried chicken and onion rings were especially bad for the liver .

  2. 尽管裹着培根和炸洋葱圈,蓝蛙家的汉堡并不特别油腻,也不会让人觉得不健康。

    Despite the bacon and fried onion rings , the burger wasn 't all that greasy and didn 't feel dangerously unhealthy .

  3. 你大概会把洋葱归为老式餐点佐料,因为什么菜都可以加点洋葱切片,你可以炸洋葱圈,炖洋葱汤,煎洋葱烩蛋,还能把它扔到砂锅里去煮一煮。

    You might relegate onions to the list of old-fashioned kitchen standbys , as you can slice and dice them into everything from home fries and soups to omelets and casseroles .