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  • chips;potato chips;crisp
  1. 我做了传统的英式晚餐:炸鱼和炸土豆片。

    I 've cooked a traditional English dinner : fish and chips .

  2. 她晚饭吃了炸鱼和炸土豆片。油炸的鱼和法国风味的炸薯片。

    She had fish and chips . fried fish and french-fried potatoes .

  3. 飞片撞击产生冲击波这些机器生产炸土豆片。

    Shock wave induced by flyer impact These machines make crisps .

  4. 你想要点炸土豆片还是新鲜土豆来佐你的鱼?

    Do you want saute potato or new potato with your fish ?

  5. 色谱仪产生色谱的仪器这些机器生产炸土豆片。

    An instrument that produces a chromatogram . These machines make crisps .

  6. 所谓的药方便是一大块牛排和一些炸土豆片。

    The " prescription " was a large steak and some fried potatoes .

  7. 垃圾食品的一些例子是甜食、糖果和炸土豆片。

    Some examples of junk food are candy , sweets and potato chips .

  8. 请给我油煎鱼加炸土豆片试试。

    Let me try fish and chip , please .

  9. 我只吃过一次鱼和炸土豆片。

    I have had fish and chips only once .

  10. 小包的糖果、炸土豆片、香烟

    A packet of sweets , crisps , cigarettes

  11. 我儿子喜欢吃炸土豆片、糖果和汽水一类只能填饱肚子的食品。

    My son likes junk food such as crips , sweets an fizzy drinks .

  12. 这证明了炸土豆片是节制食物。

    That proves they are diet food .

  13. 我想吃炸土豆片和爆米花。我想喝可乐。

    I want to eat potato chips and popcorn . I want to drink Coke .

  14. 现在所有的炸土豆片都做好了。

    Now all the crisps are ready .

  15. 他们要了5份炸土豆片。

    They ordered five portions of chips .

  16. 这是炸的土豆,在世界其他地区称为炸土豆片。

    These are fried potatoes known as " chips " in other parts of the world .

  17. 这些机器生产炸土豆片。

    These machines make crisps .

  18. 现在他们在把炸土豆片放入袋中。土人们把肮脏的袋子从车子上卸下来。

    Now they are putting the crisps in their bags . The natives unloaded the dusty sacks from the wagon .

  19. 炸土豆片中只有1克纤维,不如吃个苹果,吃个梨或者葡萄干。

    Instead of potato chips which hold only 1 gram of fiber , chomp an apple , sink your teeth into a pear or pop some raisins .

  20. 油煎鱼加炸土豆片一直收到英国人的欢迎,但是随着海洋捕捞泛滥,鱼也变得越来越昂贵。

    Fish and chips has always been a favourite dish in Britain , but as the ocean have been overfished , fish has become more and more expensive .

  21. 在美国,该连锁店推出了一份“儿童新鲜健康”菜单,有苹果或葡萄干作为炸土豆片的替代品;

    In the US , the chain has launched a " Fresh Fit for Kids " menu , with apples or raisins as a replacement for potato crisps ;

  22. 穿进亚拉巴马和桃树快运站的大门时,你就迎来街头推销员兜售新鲜水果,炸土豆片以及进口矿泉水的叫卖声。

    Entering through the gate of the rapid transit station at Alabama and peachtree You are greeted by street salesmen selling fresh fruit , potato chips and imported water .

  23. 作为一种尝试,一组学生被要求食用炸土豆片和其他的食物,而另一组学生则只是想象使用这些食品的感受。

    As in the other experiments , one group of students was asked to eat the chips and other foods , and another was asked to imagine doing so .

  24. 回到奶奶家后,所有人都默不做声,大家都什么也不想干.爸爸静静地在看书,奶奶坐着,独自啜泣,妈妈去店里买些炸土豆片,而我,则听着音乐。

    Once back at my Nan 's , everyone was silent , no one wanted to do anything . Dad read a book quietly , Nan sat and sobbed to her , mum went to fetch some chips from the chippy , and I listened to my music .