
  • Fish and Chips;fish n chips;Fish & Chips
  1. 我从来不是个好吃炸鱼薯条的人。

    I 've never been a great one for fish and chips .

  2. 请来三份炸鱼薯条。

    Three portions of fish and chips , please .

  3. 那时没有土豆,所以我们吃了不带薯条的炸鱼薯条。

    There were no potatoes so we had fish and chips sans the chips .

  4. 炸鱼薯条富含蛋白质。

    Fish and chips are packed with protein .

  5. 我在一家小餐馆吃了炸鱼薯条。

    I had fish and chips in a cafe

  6. 角落周围有一间酒吧和CobGate炸鱼薯条店。

    Around the corner is a pub and the Cob Gate fish and chip shop .

  7. 炸鱼薯条是人们每逢周五便吃的另一种传统食物。

    Fish and chips is another traditional dish often eaten on Fridays .

  8. 我兼职工作是在一家英国传统的炸鱼薯条饭店。

    My part time job is at a traditional British Fish'n'Chips shop .

  9. 炸鱼薯条很美味,但甜品太甜了。

    The fish and chips are delicious but the desserts are too sweet .

  10. 英国传统饮食可不止是炸鱼薯条和英式早餐。

    There 's more to it than fish and chips and a cooked breakfast .

  11. 高卡路里:英国炸鱼薯条

    High calorie : Fish and chips , England

  12. 炸鱼薯条是英国的国吃,每年都要评出当年最棒的店。

    Fish fries is a British country eat each year must decide the best of shops .

  13. 毕竟,没有什么比边吃炸鱼薯条边看运动员挥汗比赛更有趣了。

    After all , what could be more fun than watching athletes sweat while eating fish and chips ?

  14. 炸鱼薯条配的佐料有番茄酱和醋,还可以多加50便士要一份咖喱蘸料。

    Distribution of fish fries are seasoned tomato sauce and vinegar , can also add50 pence to a Zhanliao Curry .

  15. 炸鱼薯条店遍布英国大街小巷,多数店里不设座位,客人点餐后带走。

    Fish fries shops throughout the United Kingdom streets , the majority of the store without seating guests postprandial points away .

  16. 炸鱼薯条店里还有别的小吃,炸肉排、炸蘑菇、炸香肠,价钱都不贵。

    Fish fries stores are other snacks , fried steak , fried mushrooms , fried sausage , prices are not expensive .

  17. 一个有趣的事实是炸鱼薯条曾经是包在报纸里面的。

    An interesting fact about Fish and Chips is that they used to be served wrapped up in that day 's newspaper !

  18. 西蒙斯反驳称,除了金融、法律和营销领域等更传统和专业的工作,MyInternSwap还提供瑜伽、农业和炸鱼薯条店的工作。

    Mr Simmons counters that alongside more conventional and professional jobs in finance , law and marketing , MyInternSwap includes offers in yoga , farming and a fish-and-chip shop .

  19. 最近有个美国女孩问我英国除了炸鱼薯条(传统必备但不健康的快餐)之外还有什么吃的没。

    In fact , an American girl recently asked me what food came from Britain apart from fish and chips ( a traditional favourite but very unhealthy fast-food ) .

  20. 近日,“炸鱼薯条”、“福尔摩斯”成为了英国国宝名单上的新成员,它们与“板球”、“酒吧”和“红色双层大巴”一起被列为英格兰国家珍宝。

    LONDON ( Reuters ) - Fish and chips and Sherlock Holmes have joined cricket , pubs and red double-decker buses on a growing list of England 's national treasures .

  21. 英格兰北部炸鱼薯条店最喜欢的鳕鱼和比目鱼的供应减少,也使得价格上涨,顾客减少。

    Dwindling stocks of the fish that the northern chippies in particular dealt in cod , haddock and plaice have sent prices up , and led ethical consumers to turn away from them .

  22. 苏格兰炸鱼薯条—这家位于比尔伯勒64号大街的餐馆,受到了一车又一车搭乘大巴前来的中国游客的追捧,以至于这家餐馆把菜单翻译成了广东话及普通话,甚至还开通了微博。

    Scotts fish and chip restaurant , on the A64 at Bilbrough , has become so popular with coachloads of Chinese tourists that it has translated its menu into Cantonese and Mandarin . It has even put its web page on China 's blogging site Weibo .

  23. 炸鱼薯条是英国的经典菜肴,在澳大利亚和新西兰也十分风靡,但开怀大吃这种面粉油炸食物是要付出代价的——这类打包食物的卡路里含量很容易就会超过1000卡路里,虽然鱼是健康食品。

    Also popular in Australia and New Zealand , fish and chips is a British classic , but there 's a price to be paid for tucking into deep-fried batter - the calorie content of this takeaway can comfortably exceed 1000 calories , though at least the fish is healthy .

  24. 我觉得我们真的得改变每周五都吃炸鱼和薯条的习惯了。

    I think it 's high time that we stopped having fish and chips every Friday .

  25. 当地渔民一直在捕捞较小的鲨鱼,出口到澳大利亚的炸鱼和薯条店。

    Local fishermen have been catching7 smaller sharks to export to fish and chip shops in Australia .

  26. 她曾经吃过炸鱼和薯条?

    Hwhereas she ever eingestedn fish whereas well whereas chips ?

  27. 我是想问,伦敦除了炸鱼和薯条还有什么?

    I was asking what London had to offer apart from fish and chips .

  28. 炸鱼和薯条的相关数据

    A few facts about Fish and Chips

  29. 我们吃着炸鱼和薯条。

    We eat fish and chips .

  30. 那儿的肉好极了,且提供不错的炸鱼和薯条以及素食选择比如沙拉三明治。

    The meat is superb , and it also offers great fish'n'chips or vegetarian options such as falafel .