
yóu mǎ tou
  • Oil terminal;oil wharf;oil jetty;tanker terminal
油码头[yóu mǎ tou]
  1. 整体抽芯模板工艺在日照港中港区油码头工程中的应用

    Application of Integral Taking Out of inner Mold for the Oil Jetty Engineering at the Mid Port Area of Rizhao Port

  2. 本文以海南某油码头108m跨下承式系杆钢拱桥为工程背景。

    This paper bases on the steel through arch bridge within tie member which spans 108 meters of an oil wharf in Hainan Province .

  3. 基于SCADA的油码头管道输送仿真系统

    The Simulation System of Oil Dock Piping Transportation Based on SCADA

  4. 通过对国内外管道仿真软件的调查、研究,探讨了适用于某油港的基于SCADA的油码头管道输送仿真系统,进而选用了HoneywellPKS软件作为该系统的仿真平台。

    Under the researching and investigation , the thesis discussed the simulation system of piping transportation based on SCADA and chose the software of Honeywell PKS to be the simulation platform .

  5. 油码头溢油防治设施工业试验

    Industrial Tests on Facilities for Controlling Overflowing Oil in Oil Harbor

  6. 灌油码头为每一个装载站提供了一个油泵。

    The loading docks have a pump for each loading station .

  7. 油码头事故的易发部位及预防措施

    Areas being vulnerable to accidents at oil docks and precautions

  8. 本文针对这一问题进行了我国大型油码头选址问题的相关研究。

    The dissertation makes a sufficient research on this problem .

  9. 我国大型油码头选址问题的研究

    Study on the Location of Domestic Good-sized Oil Terminal Sites

  10. 油码头、液体化学品码头安全风险问题的探讨

    Discussion on problems of safety risk for oil and liquid chemicals terminals

  11. 大型开敞式油码头泊位长度的探讨

    A Discussion on Berth Length of Large-Scale Open Oil Terminal

  12. 洋浦港30万吨级油码头是海南省规模最大的码头。

    Yangpu Port 300,000-ton oil terminal is the largest terminal in Hainan Province .

  13. 锦州港起步工程成品油码头施工

    The Construction of Oil Product Terminal of the Preliminary Project , Jinzhou Port

  14. 福建炼油厂专用油码头工程建设简介

    Brief Introduction to the Construction of Specialized Oil Terminal for Fujian Refinery Plant

  15. 每个灌油码头可容纳3辆油罐车。

    Each loading dock can accommodate three tanker trucks .

  16. 浅谈油码头作业火灾预防

    Elementary discussion on fire prevention of oil dock

  17. 开敞型海湾大型油码头平面布置优化研究

    The optimization of the water area disposition for large-scale oil wharf in open-type bay

  18. GB16994-1997油码头安全技术基本要求

    Basic requirement for accidents prevention of oil terminals

  19. 某5万吨级油码头工程职业病危害预评价

    Pre-assessment of Occupational Disease Hazards in the Construction Project of a 50000 Tons Oil Dock

  20. 珠海高栏油码头工程动力试桩

    Dynamic Testing in Zhuhai Gaolan Oil Port

  21. 国际油轮和油码头安全组

    International Oil Tankers and Terminals Safety Group

  22. 日照港30万吨油码头船舶泊稳物理模型试验研究

    Model Test Study on Berthing Stability for 300 000 Tonnage Oil Tanker Terminal in Rizhao Harbour

  23. 大连港成品油码头续建工程设计中一些问题的探讨

    A Study on Some Problems in the Continuation Project Design of the Finished Oil Products Berth

  24. 大连30万吨油码头工程给排水及消防设计

    Water Supply Drainage Works and Fire Protection Design of Dalian 300 000 DWT Oil Terminal Engineering

  25. 大吨位油码头登船梯三维参数化设计系统开发与应用

    The Development and Application of the 3D Parametric Design System for Boarding Ladder of Large-scale Oil Terminal

  26. 油码头管理措施

    Manage measures of oil dock

  27. 深圳美视油码头工程设计

    Shenzhen Meishi Oil Terminal Design

  28. 对某改扩建的油码头,首先采用基于设计规范的设计方式对泊位年通过能力进行初步计算。

    The annual throughput capacity of berth was firstly computed using design criteria for an enlarged oil wharf .

  29. 一些石油交易员报告称,几个油码头与炼油厂遇到了麻烦。也有人表示油船仍在装货。

    Some oil traders reported problems at several oil terminals and refineries . Others said vessels were still loading .

  30. 鲇鱼湾油码头附近水域潮汐、波浪和海流特征

    The characteristics of tide , wave and current in the sea area near the oil dock of Nian Yu Bay