
  • 网络Oil-base mud;oil-based mud;OBM;oil mud
  1. 特别是当浸入气中含有CO2或H2S等酸性气时,往往在以上两处无明显的前兆显示。气浸段油基泥浆返到井口时,也便是井涌到来时。

    Especially , when the gas invaded contains sour gases such as CO_2 or H_2S , th - ere is often no any show at the two places mentioned above , because the kick is coming as the gas cut oil-base mud returns to the well head .

  2. 这是油基泥浆,油包水泥浆。

    5.15 It is oil-base mud , which is water-in-oil emulsion .

  3. MEG泥浆是国外最近才研制成功的一种新型无环境污染的油基泥浆替代体系。

    MEG drilling fluid is a recently developed environmentally acceptable water based mud with its performance approaching the oil based muds .

  4. 该钻井液体系是一种无环境污染的油基泥浆替代体系,主要由MEG、流型调节剂、降滤失剂、pH值调节剂等组成。

    MEG drilling fluid is a new environment-friendly alternate system for oil-based drilling fluids , which consists of MEG , flow pattern correctives , fluid loss additives and pH-correctives mostly etc.

  5. 利用油基泥浆取心资料确定砂岩油藏原始含油饱和度若干问题探讨

    Determining the oil saturation of sandstone reservoir using oil-base core data

  6. 油基泥浆对岩心损害的室内测试

    Laboratory tests for the damage of OIL-BASD mud to core

  7. 但对气浸的油基泥浆则不同;

    But it is different to the gas cut oil-base-mud .

  8. 这是油基泥浆还是水基泥浆?

    Is oil-base mud or water-base mud ?

  9. 钻探油基泥浆对岩芯有机地化分析中污染的扣除方法研究

    Method of deducting contamination caused by drill oil-based fluid in organic geochemical analysis of borehole core

  10. 油基泥浆固井清洗液评价方法初探及性能研究

    A probe into an evaluation method of washing fluid of oil-based drilling fluid and its performance study

  11. 油基泥浆滤液比水基泥浆滤液更容易使亲水砂岩转变为亲油砂岩。

    The filtrate of oil-base mud can transform water-wet sandstones into oil-wet sandstones more easily than that of water-base mud .

  12. 将有机膨润土应用于钻井油基泥浆中,各项指标均已达到要求,研究表明新疆乌兰陵格膨润土的高附加值开发是可行的。

    The result shows that the development of medium-low grade bentonite ore with high profit is feasible to be used in oil based mud for well drilling .

  13. 岩心被油基泥浆损害后,凭常规的注水冲刷手段,渗透率很难恢复到原来的水平。

    Once cores are damaged by oil-based mud , it is difficult to restore the permeability of cores to its original level by applying the conventional technique of water injecting and washing .

  14. 通过时间推移测井、油基泥浆取芯井、阵列感应测井与常规测井对比统计分析,结合软件反演,得出了不同孔隙结构类型淡水泥浆侵入电阻率校正值。

    The corrected resistivity value of the fresh water mud invasion for different pore structures were given through comparing the time-lapse logging , the oil-base coring wells and the array induction logging with the conventional logging and combining with software inversion .

  15. 测定结果表明,试验所用的油基和水基泥浆滤液的侵入均对油相渗透率造成相当严重的损害。

    The measurement results showed that the invasion of the filtrates of oil-base mud and water-base mud has a considerable effect on oil phase permeability .

  16. 据康菲介绍,2011年6月有两个地点发生溢油,导致700桶石油和2500桶油基泥浆流入大海。

    Leaks at two different sites in June 2011 caused 700 barrels of oil and 2,500 barrels of drilling mud to spill into the ocean , according to the company .