
yóu jì
  • oil stains;grease spots
油迹[yóu jì]
  1. 汽油能去油迹。

    Gas is good for taking out oil stains .

  2. 然后把确认油量(油迹)专用纸插入到旋梭下面5秒钟,测定油量。(速度:2000rpm)

    And insert a sheet of paper for confirming the oil amount ( oil spots ) under the hook for 5 seconds to measure the amount of oil in the hook . ( Speed : 2,000 rpm )

  3. 油迹或油污可用洗涤液除去。

    Grease marks or spots can be removed with liquid detergent .

  4. 瞧我的裤子上沾了油迹

    See , yeah , I got grease on my pants

  5. 我们在窗台上发现了油迹

    We found A grease stain on the window sill .

  6. 汽油是一种能脱去油迹的有溶解能力的液体。

    Gasoline is a solvent liquid that removes grease spats .

  7. 一种对清除油迹有奇效的喷雾粉剂。

    An aerosol powder which works wonders on greasy marks .

  8. 但是目前并不能证明这两处油迹带与失联飞机有关联。

    But they have not yet linked them to the missing plane .

  9. 我上衣上的墨迹(油迹)怎样才能去掉?

    How can I remove the stains ( grease ) from my coat ?

  10. 这不仅是一滩油迹。

    This is a symbol of my gullibility .

  11. 在装饰前须保证板面干燥、清洁、没有粉末及油迹。

    To ensure there is no moisture , dust , powder or besmirch before decoration .

  12. 有报道称,越南军用飞机在越南海岸线上发现了两处油迹带。

    Military plane from Vietnam reported seeing two oil slicks out that country 's coast .

  13. 通过喷油嘴图像的采集,图像的计算机处理,获取渗漏油迹信息,计算油迹面积,达到对喷油嘴渗漏现象的检测。

    By collecting and processing the images , leakage information was got and leakage area was computed .

  14. 目前,在水中发现的碎片和油迹都未被证实与失踪的飞机有关。

    None of the debris and oil slicks spotted in the water so far have proved to be linked to the disappearance .

  15. 海岸警卫队表示,海面上的油迹明显是钻井平台上残留下来的。

    The Coast Guard says there is an oil sheen on the water , but that 's apparently leftover oil on the platform .

  16. 在附近海域搜索失踪飞机的越南当局在一处大型油迹带附近发现疑为飞机舱门的物品。

    Vietnamese authorities searching waters for the missing plane suspect they found one of the plane 's doors , near a large oil slick .

  17. 接着,开始收拾火炉了,我需要清理干净所有的油迹和污渍,烤箱也是这样打扫。

    Then its back to the stove , which I need to scrub clean of the grease and stains , and the same for the oven .

  18. 十几年来,我们一直在说如果找不到除去古卷上油迹的方法,就没有办法鉴定古卷的年代。

    For more than a decade we 've been saying that there was no point in dating the scrolls before we found a method to remove the oil .

  19. 人们检验从不同深处带上来的土样以探明油迹。

    The samples of soil from various depths are examined for traces of oil . If they are disappointed at one place , the drillers go to another .

  20. 然而,研究人员现在已经发现一种化学方法,这种方法能除去油迹而不损伤古卷的羊皮纸,因此碳精确鉴定方法得以实现,政报报道。

    However , researchers have now found a chemical method to remove the oil without harming the parchment of the scrolls , and thus allowing precise carbon dating , said the report .

  21. 马航失联飞机的搜寻工作陷入僵局,官员称,与之前期望不符的是,在失踪海域发现的油迹带和残骸不属于失联的波音777。

    More dead ends in the search for a missing Malaysian jetliner , officials say an oil slick and debris found in the ocean is not linked to the Boeing 777 as once hoped .

  22. 由于这个原因,我们不断回头张望,看看车后是否留下一道汽油迹。但是法庭没有要求他重新将墙刷回原貌,这让检举人很失望。

    Because of this , we kept looking back , wondering if we were leaving a trail of oil and petrol behind us . But the court did not demand he restore the walls and facade to their original state , disappointing the prosecutors .