
yóu liào
  • oil;lubricant;petroleum
油料 [yóu liào]
  • [vegetable oils] 含油的原料

  • 油料作物

  1. 基于多Agent的虚拟油料保障网络安全模型框架

    A Model Structure Based on Multi-Agent Virtual Oil Guarantee Network Safety

  2. 基于Web下的战时油料装备故障远程诊断技术初探

    Discussion of the Wartime Fault Telediagnosis and Repair of the Oil Equipment under Web

  3. 基于GIS的军用油料保障系统探讨

    Investigation into the GLS-Based Military Petrol Supply System

  4. 随着人们对维生素E消费量的增长,从植物油料中获得更多维生素E的研究势在必行。

    With the tocopherols consumption growing up , studies on tocopherols should be strengthened .

  5. 同时建立了基于BP神经网络的油料向日葵根系吸水模型。

    And established the root uptake water model based on BP Neural Network in saline soil .

  6. 基于Multi-Agent的油料专业人员智能教学系统研究

    The Application of Oil Professional People intelligence System based on Multi - Agent

  7. 基于DEA的油料供应标准效果评价

    Benefit Evaluation of Military Oil Supply Standard Based on DEA

  8. 阐述了建立基于multi-agent军队油料调拨指挥系统的必要性;

    The necessity of building military oil allotment command system based on multi_agent is expounded .

  9. NURBS曲线的数控加工编程预处理膨化机在油料加工工业中的作用

    Programming for NURBS curve in NC machining Extrusion-Expander Application in Oilseeds Industry

  10. 基于PDM的油料装备协同设计系统安全策略研究

    Research on Security Strategies for the Collaborative Design System of Oil Equipment Based on PDM

  11. 油料作物对土壤老化残留DDT的吸收积累

    Uptake and accumulation of weathered DDT by oil plants

  12. 油菜(Brassicanapus)是一种重要的油料作物。

    Brassica napus is an important oilseed plant .

  13. PAO和酯类油是应用最广泛的合成基础油料。

    PAO and esters are the most useful base-stocks in synthetic lubricating oils .

  14. 添加混合油料籽实对奶牛生产性能及CLA的影响

    Effects of feeding mixed oilseed on production capability and CLA in milk cow

  15. 山茶属Camellia为重要的园林和油料植物种质资源,具有重要的经济、社会和生态价值。

    Camellia is an important landscape and oil-pressing plant germ plasm resource with remarkable economic , social and ecological value .

  16. 油茶(CamelliaoleiferaAbel)是中国原产且最为重要的木本食用油料树种。

    Tea-oil tree ( Camellia oleifera Abel ), one of most important ligneous edible trees , is originated in China .

  17. 普通油茶(CamelliaoleiferaAbel)是我国南方主要的木本食用油料树种,对我国生态经济林的发展有着不可取代的作用。

    Camellia oleifera Abel is the South China edible oil major woody species , the development of ecological economic forest has an irreplaceable role .

  18. 样品中PAHs的燃烧来源所占的比重较大,呈现出油料燃烧与木材、煤燃烧的混合污染来源特征。

    The combustion sources of PAHs in the sample occupied relatively great proportion , showing the source characters of mixed pollution of oil combustion and wood cool combustion .

  19. RB:他们的油料相同,而规律显示,排在前面的车手会因多跑一圈而获得一些优势。

    RB : They both had the same fuel , and the rule is whoever is in the strongest position gets the slight advantage with the one lap .

  20. 芸芥(ErucasativaMill)是十字花科芝麻菜属的一个种,是迄今为止人们发现的最为抗旱、耐瘠薄的十字花科油料作物。

    Eruca Sativa Mill , an oil crop of the Cruciferae family , is one of the Cruciferae plants most resistant to drought and barren .

  21. 油菜(Brassicanapus)是世界上主要的油料作物和重要的经济作物,在经济和农业生产中具有重要作用。

    Oilseed rape ( Brassica napus ) is an important industrial crop and a major oil crop . It plays important roles in national economy and agricultural production .

  22. 蓖麻(Castor)是一种含油量高的软性油料,从蓖麻籽中提炼的蓖麻油具有较高的医用和工业价值。

    Abstract : Castor is a kind of soft oil plants with high oil content . The castor oil extracted from castor seeds has high medical and industry value .

  23. 对基于multi-agent的军队油料调拨指挥系统进行了总体设计,构造了面向油料调拨过程的各类a-gent及其运行机制;

    The frameworks of military oil allotment command system based on multi_agent is designed . All kinds of agent and run_mechanism facing the process of oil allotment are constructed .

  24. 文冠果(Xanthocerassorbifolia,Bunge.)是中国北方特有的木本油料植物,具有较高的药用价值。

    Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge . is the specific oil plant in north of China and has great officinal value . The flower of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge .

  25. 生物柴油(Biodiesel)是指以油料作物、野生油料植物和工程微藻等水生植物油脂以及动物油脂、餐饮垃圾油等为原料油,通过酯交换工艺制成的可代替石化柴油的再生性柴油燃料。

    Biodiesel is an alternative biodegradable fuel which can be prepared by aquatic plants oil such as oil crops , wild oil plants , engineered microalgae and animal fats , food waste oil and methanol through a transesterification process .

  26. 它是测量油料种子的固相(蛋白质和碳水化合物)和液相(油)的自由感应衰减(FID)信号。

    It is based on the measurement of the free induction decay ( FID ) signal of the solid phase ( protein and carbo hydrate ) and the liquid phase ( oil ) of oilseed .

  27. 乌桕是我国特有油料树种,从中提取的类可可脂(简称CTCBE)因其独特的性能,可替代天然可可脂(简称CB)制作巧克力。

    Chinese tallow cocoa butter equivalent ( CTCBE ) was the particular resource of special oil , and could replace natural cocoa butter ( CB ) to apply to chocolate industry .

  28. 研究了油料作物对土壤老化残留DDT的吸收积累情况,结果表明,∑DDT在三种作物不同部位中的浓度顺序都是:根>茎>果壳>果仁。

    Uptake and accumulation of weathered DDT by oil plants were investigated , and the results showed that the order of the concentrations of ∑ DDT in different parts of three oil plants was : root > stem > husk > grain .

  29. 花椒(ZanthoxylumbungeanumMaxim)原产于我国,为芸香科、花椒属落叶灌木或小乔木,是重要的调味品、香料及木本油料树种之一。

    Chinese prickly ash tree ( Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim ), which originally grows in China , belongs to family Rutaceae , and it is one of the important species of the tree for flavors , wood oil and spice .

  30. 文冠果(XanthocerassorbifoliaBunge)是中国北方地区特有的木本油料植物,仅一属一种,并具有很高的药用价值和观赏价值。

    As the proper oil plant to north China , Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge has great officinal and ornamental value as well , but it belongs only one species in one genus . The flower of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge is polygamous .