
  1. 儿童健康相关生存质量和家庭饮食安全

    Child health-related quality of life and household food security

  2. 此外,你是珩磨您的烹饪技巧,而这可能会非常有用,对家庭饮食的经验。

    In addition , you are honing your cooking skills and this could be very useful for the home dining experience .

  3. 天津52岁的居民说,他非常担心,因为菠菜是其家庭饮食中主要的内容。

    Gao Jie , a52-year-old resident in Tianjin said she is deeply worried because spinach is a staple part of her family 's diet .

  4. 在每次访问中,父母会收到改善饮食实施和家庭饮食环境建议的材料和报告。

    At each visit , parents also received materials and informational handouts with suggestions for improving feeding practices and the food environment in the home .

  5. 接受调查的所有人都曾在20世纪30年代填写过一份英格兰和苏格兰城市及农村家庭饮食状况的调查表。

    All of the adults in the study had filled in a food inventory during the1930s for a research study looking into the eating habits of families in rural and urban areas of England and Scotland .

  6. 一家消费品公司想要找出各个家庭的饮食习惯。

    A consumer goods group wanted to discover the eating habits of families .

  7. 山羊奶改善了全世界许多家庭的饮食。

    Goats ' milk improves the diet of many families around the world .

  8. 广西巴马长寿老人家庭的饮食营养调查

    Survey of Dietary Nutrition in Families with Long-lived People in Bama of Guangxi Province

  9. 许多后院菜园加上不同季节的水果、蔬菜和贯穿整个生长季节的农作物显然是丰富了家庭的饮食。

    Most backyard food gardeners are looking to augment their family 's diet with a variety of seasonal fruits , vegetables and herbs throughout the growing season .

  10. 结果被调查地区多数城市(92.7%)和农村(60.7%)家庭日常饮食以面食为主,94.7%的城市家庭购买面粉,而在农村地区,多数家庭自己种植或购买小麦。

    Results 92.7 % urban people and 60.7 % rural people consumed flour as the major staple food . 94.7 % urban families bought flour , but most of the rural families grew or purchased wheat instead of flour .

  11. 在日常生活上,济南工人家庭日常饮食简单,食物结构不平衡;工人对于衣服的要求以实用为主;住房情况有些拥挤,环境较差,但绝大部分工人都有房可住,这点要好于青岛。

    In daily life , the diet of Jinan working families is simple and food structure is imbalance . The requirement of workers for clothes is practical . Housing jam , bad environment , but most workers have houses to live , this is better than Qingdao .

  12. 结果与中国营养学会推荐的中国居民膳食参考摄入量相比,巴马长寿地区长寿老人家庭的饮食结构模式为低能量、低脂、低盐、低胆固醇饮食;

    Results Compared with Chinese residents ' dietary reference intakes recommended by Chinese Nutrition Association , the family dietary structure modes of families with long-lived people in Bama , Guangxi province , were diets with low energy , low fat , low salt , and low cholesterin .

  13. 这项由速冻食品公司BirdsEye委托开展的调查还表明,家庭烹饪健康饮食的情况比一些人之前预想的要好很多,这一部分要归因于一些消费者开始学习烹饪。

    The report , commissioned by frozen food company Birds Eye , also makes clear that the family meal is limping on in far better health than some have suggested , thanks in part to a resurgence in cooking from scratch by some consumers .

  14. 结果家庭情况、饮食、睡眠、社会活动、精神信仰与老人健康寿命密切相关(P<0.01)。

    Results Family condition , diet , sleep , social activity and mental or religious belief closely involved their longevity .

  15. 结果显示,引起儿童单纯性肥胖的危险因素包含了儿童个人及其父母和家庭的不良饮食模式和行为习惯的多个方面。

    The result shows that the risk factors causing simple obesity includes mal-eating and behavior habit of children individual and parents .

  16. 第一夫人曾经说过她希望利用菜园来教育孩子们并通过他们及其家庭对健康饮食重要性的认识。

    The First Lady has said she hopes to use the garden to educate children and through them , their families about the importance of a healthy diet .

  17. 她强调说粮食危机问题对贫穷人口打击最大,当一个家庭在日常饮食上花费越多,其在卫生保健上就会投入越少。

    She noted that the crisis hits the poor the hardest , and that the more a family spends on food , the less it has for health care .

  18. 中毒原因主要是农村家庭聚餐、饮食服务单位、集体食堂制作的食物因原料(重点为肉类、谷类及制品)污染或加工不当、生熟交叉污染等所致;

    The food poisoning occurred primarily from the contamination and mishandling of raw foods ( mainly meat , corn and their products ) and cross-contamination between raw and cooked foods at rural family dinner parties , catering units and public cafeterias .

  19. 祖辈是三代同堂家庭中安排日常饮食的主要人物,表现在购买食物和决定烹调方式等方面。

    Grandparents were the key persons to arrange dietary in the families , including food selecting and cooking style .

  20. 以新医学模式对35例儿童单纯肥胖症采用以家庭为基础的饮食调整,运动疗法和行为指导综合治疗。

    According to the new medical model , thirty - five children with obesity have received the comprehensive treatment including diet adjustment , exercises therapy and behaviour correction , which are mainly helped by the families .

  21. 在影响儿童饮食行为的学校及家庭因素中,母亲和教师的营养知识以及父母亲的饮食行为最为显著,家庭收入对儿童饮食行为未见明显影响;

    From statistic analysis among affecting factors , the mother 's and teachers ' nutritional knowledge and the food habit of parents had significant effect on food habit of preschool children .

  22. 对改变家庭使用不健康食物激励儿童的行为以及纠正家庭不健康饮食环境方面的干预效果显著。

    The intervention to change the behaviors of inspiring children with unhealthy foods and unhealthy diet habits of family is effective .

  23. 不良饮食行为的检出率与家庭中使用不健康食物激励孩子的行为和家庭不健康的饮食环境有关。

    The prevalence of obesity-related diet behaviors is related with the behaviors of inspiring children with unhealthy foods and unhealthy diet habits of family .