
  1. 本文详细叙述了快热式家用电热水器控制系统硬件电路和软件的设计。

    This article details the rapid thermal control system for home electric water heater hardware circuit and software design .

  2. 采用家用电压力锅消解污水处理厂水样,测定总磷。

    The TP in the wastewater samples from sewage treatment plant was determined by household electric pressure cooker digestion method .

  3. 今天,很大部门的英国家庭用分期付款的方式购买家具、家用电品和气车。

    Today , a large proportion of all the families in Great Britain buy furniture , household goods and cars by installment .

  4. 在多个家电卖场拍摄的近百张实物图片表明,家用电风扇的速度标示全都采用了一种以上的非言语隐喻表征。

    Our photos taken at various supermarkets show that all household electric fans resort to more than one nonverbal metaphor in speed marking .

  5. 简单的家用电淋浴器,比如凯旦先生供职的国家医学研究所所使用的那种,能够冲洗掉病毒痕迹吗?

    Can a simple household electric shower , as used in the National Institute for Medical Research where Mr Caidan works , for instance , remove all traces of a virus ?

  6. 太阳微系统有一位负责生态的副总裁,在2005年12月推出了业内首台生态服务器。文件显示,该服务器所需电能仅仅相当于一只家用电灯泡。

    Sun has a vice-president of eco responsibility and announced the industry 's first eco-responsible servers in December 2005 , drawing only as much power as a household light bulb , according to the citation .

  7. 根据同年国家统计局统计结果表明艾美特成为全国家用通风电器具制造行业的领头羊。

    In the same year , Airmate was selected by the National Statistic Bureau as the national leading manufacturer of electrical ventilation appliances in China .

  8. 家用真空吸尘器电风机

    Household vacuum cleaner-blower motor

  9. 本文讨论了家用电器馈(电)线所产生的“特低频电磁辐射”问题。

    This paper analyses the electromagnetic radiation with very low frequency caused by the power-supply wiring of household appliances .

  10. 机房设备,高精密仪器,办公设备。如:电脑、服务器、打印机、扫描仪、传真机等。以及高档家用电器等用电设备。特别推荐:用子电器较为集中的区域。

    It is widely used for engine room equipments , high-precision instruments , office furnishing such as computer , server , printer , scanner , facsimile printer and upgrade household electric applications .

  11. 本文主要对《家用和类似用途电自动控制器》第1部分:通用要求的现行国标(GB14536.1-1998)与IEC60730-1:2003标准的部分主要差异进行解析,并对一些具体的条款进行了说明。

    The paper is mainly explicated the differences of automatic electrical controls for household and similar use between the current national standard and the IEC standard , and specified some clause of the standards .

  12. 叙述了家用电器产品用电中存在的安全问题,论述了家用电器产品采取保护接地不能保证安全的原因,指出了正确的保护方法及其他安全技术措施。

    This paper presents safety problem of household electric apparatus and the cause that the ground protection used in the apparatus cannot ensure safety in using the apparatus , and points out the proper protective methods and other techniques for safe application of the apparatus .