
  • 网络household contracting;household contract management
  1. 论农民家庭承包经营制度的坚持和创新

    On the Perseverance and Creation of Peasant Household Contract Management

  2. 制度变迁:从家庭承包经营到合作社

    Institutional Change : from Household Contract Management to Cooperatives

  3. 新时代推进农村土地制度改革,要坚持把依法维护农民权益作为出发点和落脚点。坚持农村土地农民集体所有制不动摇,坚持家庭承包经营基础性地位不动摇。

    We need to unwaveringly uphold farmers ' collective ownership of rural land while continuing the fundamental practice of rural families exercising their right to contract and manage land in rural areas .

  4. 论长期稳定农村家庭承包经营

    On the Long term Stability of the Rural Household Contractual Management

  5. 农村土地家庭承包经营依然是微观运行的载体的最佳选择。

    Rural land contracting management is still the best choice .

  6. 农村家庭承包经营的稳定与农业产业化

    On Stabilization of Family Contract Management in Rural Area and Industrialization of Agriculture

  7. 家庭承包经营制是中国农村集体经济的最有效实现形式。

    The household undertaking management system is effective .

  8. 农业家庭承包经营责任制绩效再检验

    Reexamination of the Performance of Family Responsibility System

  9. 完善家庭承包经营责任制的思考

    Thought on Promoting Family Tenant Management System

  10. 制度变迁视角下的家庭承包经营和农村土地股份合作制度

    Household Contractual Management and Rural Land Stock Cooperation System under the View of System Change

  11. 但是家庭承包经营制度在客观上造成了我国农户分散经营的弱势。

    But the household contract management system objectively results in the decentralized management of households .

  12. 我国农民的二次大解放&家庭承包经营、城乡一体化探讨

    Chinese Peasants ' Second Liberation & Family Contract Operation , Integration of urban and Rural Areas

  13. 完善草原家庭承包经营制度&对联户经营模式的思考

    Improving the Household Contract Management System of Grassland & Thoughts on Herdsmen Cooperative Management of Grassland

  14. 家庭承包经营与先进社会生产力

    The System of Contracted-Responsibility on Household Basis and Its Great Adaptation to Advanced Social Productive Forces

  15. 论家庭承包经营的二个层次:家庭独劳经营和家庭农场经营

    On the Two Administrative Structures of Domestic Contract Management : Domestic Individual Management & Domestic Farm Management

  16. 家庭承包经营责任制的推行,确立了农业家庭经营组织在我国农业微观组织体系中的主体地位,从而调动了广大农民的生产积极性,促进了农业和农村经济的发展。

    The carrying out of the responsibility system of household contract management has promoted agriculture and rural economy .

  17. 论农村家庭承包经营的稳定与农业规模化农地规模经营是实现农业机械化的必由之路

    On the Stability of Household Contracted System and Agricultural Scale ; Mechanization of Agriculture : Farmland Large-Scale Management

  18. 随着2007年《物权法》的颁布,家庭承包经营权进一步确立了用益物权的属性。

    As the jus in 2007 , the enactment of the family contracted further established hold the property .

  19. 中国实行农地集体所有,农户家庭承包经营的两权分离制度;

    China adopts collective ownership and contracting out system , ownership seperate from right of cultivating and operating .

  20. 目前,我国农村实行的是以家庭承包经营为基础的双层经营体制。

    At present , the rural two-layer management manner based on family tenant management system is in practice .

  21. 家庭承包经营责任制,提高了农民生产积极性,促进了广西农业的发展。

    Household contract responsibility system improved the enthusiasm of farmers ' production , and promoted agricultural production development .

  22. 因此,稳定家庭承包经营制度的核心问题就是稳定完善农村土地承包关系。

    So , the key question of the stabling family contract system is improving the contract relationship of rural land .

  23. 我国农村土地制度主要包括以家庭承包经营责任制为主要内容的农村土地的经营体制以及以土地之上的具体权利制度为主要内容的土地产权体制两个方面。

    Estate system on countryside land in China includes mainly domestic contract liability system and the concrete estate right system .

  24. 在家庭承包经营这一基本制度下,分散的弱势农户个体与大规模的强势城市现代化经济体系并存。

    Within the basic household land contract system , scattered individual farmers exists with the large-scale urban modernization economic system .

  25. 改革开放以后,政社合一的农村经济社会体制解体,被以家庭承包经营责任制为基础的新的经济基础所替代。

    After the reform and opening-up policy , the family contractual management responsibility system has become new agricultural economic foundation .

  26. 如何完善家庭承包经营责任制,促进农村经济再上一个新台阶,成为当务之急。

    It is important to study how to promote family tenant management system and enhance rural economy to a new stage .

  27. 第三次历史性变革是通过改革建立了土地集体所有家庭承包经营的商品经济模式。

    The third historical change is commodity economy modes of setting up all land collective 's household responsibility system through the reform .

  28. 家庭承包经营是农村的基本经济制度,也是农村制度改革和创新的现实基础。

    The household contract management is the basic economy system and the reality base of reform and creation in the country system .

  29. 农地制度的三次重大变迁,尤其是土地家庭承包经营制度的确立,产生了巨大的制度正绩效。

    The three transitions of the rural land system , especially household contractual management , have imposed significant impacts on the institutions .

  30. 但是,家庭承包经营责任制不可能一劳永逸地解决我国农业发展进程中的所有问题。

    However , it is impossible for the system of household undertaking to solve all the problems during the process of agricultural development .