
shè lì dēnɡ jì
  • establish registration;registration of formation
  1. 我国商事设立登记法律效力研究

    Research on the Legal Effectiveness of Chinese Commercial Establish Registration

  2. 认为商事设立登记的法律效力就是商事设立

    And the commercial establish registration legal

  3. 国会授权美国食品和药物管理局收取每年设立登记费为器械设立登记,在2007年9月30日后提交给FDA。

    Congress authorized FDA to collect an annual establishment registration fee for device establishment registrations submitted to the FDA after September30th , 2007 .

  4. 公司设立登记瑕疵及其法律救济

    The Flaw of Company 's Instauration Registration and Legal Relief

  5. 分支机构设立登记申请书;

    Application for the registration of establishment of a branch ;

  6. 第一部分,对公司设立登记的一般法律属性及其本质进行分析。

    Part one analyzes the general legal attribute and nature of company establishing registration .

  7. 企业法定代表人签署的《外商投资企业设立登记申请书》;

    《 Requisition For Registration of Foreign Investment Enterprise 》 signed by legal person ;

  8. 应当自批准之日起90日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记

    The registration of establishment should be applied for within 90 days from the date of approval

  9. 因之,设立登记义务主体界定标准应与商事主体同一。

    Therefore , the registration of the establishment of compulsory subject definition standard and commercial subject " the same " .

  10. 公司设立登记瑕疵对公司能否有效成立影响至深。

    , The flaw of company 's instauration registration is of great importance to the availability of the company 's instauration .

  11. 设立登记作为商事登记的基础、核心与最具表征部分,其价值研究同样不可避免。

    Registration as a registered foundation , the core and the most part of the value of characterization , also inevitable .

  12. 各国公司法对公司设立登记瑕疵的法律后果所持态度不一。

    The corporation laws of different countries have different opinions to the legal consequence of the flaw of company 's instauration registration .

  13. 但我国设立登记学理研究严重滞后商事登记统一立法需求。

    But in our country , the registration of the establishment of science research is serious lag of commercial registration legislation needs .

  14. 本文运用比较法学等多种研究方法,对公司设立登记法律制度相关问题进行研究和分析。

    This thesis adopts various approaches including comparative law to study and analyze legal system of company establishing registration and relevant questions .

  15. 发起人对于公司在设立登记前所负债务,在登记后亦负连带责任。

    The promoters shall , even after incorporation , be jointly and severally liable for debts of the company incurred prior to incorporation .

  16. 以企业设立登记为代表的一些事项已经不再为设定许可所必须,而是可以交由市场去引导和约束。

    Some matters such as enterprise incorporation registration no longer need administrative licenses , but in contrast they are guided and bound by the market .

  17. 这一转变导致企业设立登记作为市场准入门槛的作用正在弱化,更多地在提供公信的层面上发挥作用。

    This transform leads to weaken the effects of market access by the enterprise incorporation registration ; nevertheless it more plays a role in providing credibility .

  18. 在企业登记时,工商局依据相关优惠政策,放宽了公司设立登记条件,使其顺利入驻动漫园区。

    In business registration , Trade and Industry Bureau in accordance with relevant preferential policies , relaxed company registration conditions , to successfully settled animation park .

  19. 当局也把志愿者更好地组织起来,设立登记中心,以便官方联络他们和散发信息。

    Authorities have also become more organized about bringing volunteers under their wings , setting up check-in centers where officials can track them and disperse information .

  20. 领取《企业法人营业执照》的,设立登记费按注册资本总额的千分之一缴纳;

    When drawing a Business License of Enterprise Legal Person , the fee of establishment registration shall be paid at one thousandth of the registered capital ;

  21. 基于登记申请人原因产生的公司设立登记瑕疵主要有三种类型:出资瑕疵、目的瑕疵和股东瑕疵。

    The flaw of company 's instauration registration based on applicant can be classified as flaw of financial contribution , flaw of purpose and flaw of shareholder .

  22. 作为义务主体的欲为商事者经设立登记创设商事主体,完成自然人向商事主体的身份置换。

    As a compulsory subject for the creation of commercial registration of establishment of commercial subject , completed the natural person to the trading main body status replacement .

  23. 但因公权介入、主体二元等因素影响,设立登记性质发生异化,致使其性质考证极为困难。

    But for the intervention of the public power , the main duality and other factors , the registration of establishment nature of alienation , causing the nature research extremely difficult .

  24. 公司登记依据不同标准可以做不同分类,其中最为重要的是将公司登记分为设立登记、变更登记和注销登记三种。

    According to different criteria , the company registration can be classified in many ways , the most important of which is the classification among registration of incorporation , modification and cancellation .

  25. 公司登记机关自接到股份有限公司设立登记申请之日起三十日内作出是否予以登记的决定。

    The company registration authority decides within thirty days of the date of receipt of an application to register the establishment of a company limited by shares whether or not to grant registration .

  26. 固然难以考证,但它直接关涉登记义务主体设定及登记机关职权限定,甚至影响设立登记事项多寡与效力明晰。

    Although difficult to verify , but it is directly related to register duty subject setting and registration authority limit , and even affect the establishment of registration number and effectiveness of clarity .

  27. 第三部分,对公司设立登记事项、登记程序中若干问题,包括登记审查制度、审查内容及公司名称的预先核准进行分析。

    Part three investigates a couple of questions related to the proceedings and procedures of company establishing registration , including registration examining system , the items to be examined and pre-approval of company title .

  28. 法律,行政法规规定需要经有关部门审批的,应当在申请设立登记时提交批准文件。

    If examination and approval form relevant departments is required in accordance with any law or administrative regulation , the approval documents shall be submitted when applying to register the establishment of the company .

  29. 基于登记机关的原因产生的公司设立登记瑕疵应当具有推定正确性效力,公司对该瑕疵无主观过错,但是其不能以此对抗善意的公司债权人。

    The flaw of company 's instauration registration based on the registration organ should effectiveness of understood validity . The fact that the company has no subjective fault can 't confront bona fide creditor .

  30. 第二部分,分析了商事设立登记的相关法律制度,商事登记的原则有强制性登记和任意性登记,认为我国应该采用折中的登记原则。

    The second part , discusses some systems , principles , procedures , related to commercial establish registration , some suggestions are given , and the registration rules mainly comprise compulsory registration , wanton registration .