
  • 网络Equipment supply
  1. 适应市场经济保证设备供应质量

    Fit in with market economic ensure the quality of equipment supply

  2. 鞍钢设备供应管理信息系统网络概述

    An Introduction to System Network Adapted for Equipment Supply Management of AISC

  3. 某家外国医疗设备供应企业的一位经理表示,有些省级官员认为,中国已经有了太多的ct扫描仪。

    One manager at a foreign medical equipment supplier said some provincial governors believed China already had too many CT scanners .

  4. 苹果称,其应用程序商店为iPhone、iPad和iPodTouch等设备供应了140万个应用程序。

    Apple said its App Store serves 1.4 million apps for iPhones , iPads and iPod Touch devices .

  5. 华为(Huawei)首席执行官表示,如果监管机构能像对待欧洲企业那样对待华为的话,这家中国电信设备供应商会在欧洲做出更多投资。

    Chinese telecoms group Huawei would invest more in Europe if it were treated like a European company by regulators , according to its chief executive .

  6. 西门子(Siemens)已放弃竞标沙特阿拉伯麦加到麦地那70亿美元高铁项目的列车与设备供应合同,转而加入中国企业牵头的一个财团,与他们一起竞投该项目。

    Siemens has dropped a bid to supply trains and equipment for the $ 7bn Mecca-to-Medina high-speed railway line project in Saudi Arabia , opting to join a Chinese consortium bidding for the work .

  7. 该公司将负责新厨房的设计、设备供应及安装。

    The company will design , supply and install your new kitchen .

  8. 开发计算机管理信息系统推动设备供应管理现代化

    Develop management information system of computer and promote modernization of equipment supply managment

  9. 运用系统工程理论促进设备供应管理

    Application system engineering theory promote management for equipment supplies

  10. 正确处理设备供应工作中的三个关系

    Properly deal with the three relations in equipment supplies

  11. 供应链管理理论在电力设备供应市场中的应用

    EQUIPMENT MARKET GUIDE The Application of Supply Chain Management Theory in Power Equipment Market

  12. 办公室设备供应价格的对于公司的成本影响不大。

    The supply price of office equipments has little influence on the cost of company .

  13. 是水务、污水处理的成套设备供应方案处理专家。

    It is the expert of water supply , sewage treatment equipment supplier of programs to deal with .

  14. 面向市场经济,加强设备供应采购工作中的价格管理

    Catering to the market economy , to strengthen the price manage in the supplying and purchasing of equipment

  15. 医疗设备供应不足,多已过时,甚至像阿斯匹林这类最起码的药物,也常常短缺。

    Medical equipment is in short supply and often out of date , and even such rudimentary medicines as aspirin are often unavailable .

  16. 从高速铁路项目启动伊始,北京就把设备供应重任放在了包括和利时在内的本土企业而非外国企业肩上。

    From the initial days of the high-speed railway program , Beijing turned to local firms , including Hollysys , rather than foreign expertise .

  17. 建国以来,我国教学仪器设备供应的发展过程无不与教育和社会的发展过程相关联。

    Since our country founding , the development process of supplying teaching instrument and equipment have been related with the education development and society requirement .

  18. 本文结合宝钢工程建设实际,探讨了应用系统工程理论,促进设备供应管理的问题。

    In this paper , combine practice on the engineering building of Baosteel , application system engineering theory and promote management for equipment supplies is discussed .

  19. 在卫生保健工作人员中的病例表明有必要大量增加第一线工作人员的防护设备供应,特别在发病最严重的威热和人口密集的罗安达。

    Cases in health care workers point to the need to greatly increase supplies of protective equipment for front-line workers , particularly in hard-hit Uige and densely populated Luanda .

  20. 众所周知,外资和民营资本有极大的空间参与到原本由政府主导的铁路运输行业,从设备供应到铁路建设甚至铁路运营。

    As witnessed by the industry , there is great potential for foreign and private investors to tap the government-controlled transport sector from equipment procurement to construction and operation .

  21. 除非业主业已发布相关指令或业已批准该等变更,承包商无权将任何变更或修订包括入工程或设备供应。

    The contractor is not entitled to incorporate any changes and or modifications into the works or supply of equipment unless the customer has issued a relevant instruction or has approved such changes .

  22. 印度正把中国企业挡在新电厂设备供应合同之外,以支持本土制造商。该国正奋力改变其迅速增长的经济中能源严重不足的局面。

    India is screening Chinese companies out of contracts to supply equipment for new power plants in favour of local manufacturers as it strives to overcome a severe energy deficit in its fast-growing economy .

  23. 论文阐述了一个菜单动态配置生成构件的分析、设计和实现,并在江西铜业集团公司的设备供应管理系统中应用了该构件。

    This paper focuses on the analysis , design , and implementation of a component for the dynamic menu reconfiguration as well as its application in the facilities management system of Jiangxi Copper Corporation Group .

  24. 它运用市场竞争机制,树立公开、公平、公正的实施原则,由发包单位择优选定设计单位、施工单位、材料设备供应单位。

    It uses the mechanism of market competition , establishes an implement principle of openness , fairness and justice . The contract unit preferentially selects the design units , construction units and the material supply units for this system .

  25. 本文介绍了我国冶金大型钢铁联合企业设备供应管理系统计算机应用开发过程及研制方法,并分析了取得的经济效益和在国内的推广价值。

    In this paper the authors introduce the process and method of appling computer development of equipment supply management for large metallurgical iron and steel complex , and also analyze economic benefit obtained and extending value of same kind of enterprise in our country .

  26. 改革开放20多年来,随着市场经济的发展,教育教学改革发展较迅速,而教学仪器设备供应行业的发展仍主要以计划经济模式为主,这已严重落后于教育和社会发展的需求。

    After 20 years ' reform and opening policy , together with the development of market economy , education reform advances rapidly , but the supply of teaching instrument and equipment relies mainly on the planned economy . This showed seriously behind the development of education and society .

  27. 由于资金投入不足,必要的基础设施、技术设备供应不足,导致新能源产业发展速度慢,产业化、商品化、国际化程度低,无法适应经济社会协调发展的内在要求。

    Being lack of funding input , indispensible infrastructure and technical equipment are in short supply which result in slow pace of development and low level of the industrializations , commercialization and internationalization . It can not meet the requirement of coordinated development of the economy and society .

  28. 此外,在硬件更新的循环中,这个行业正处于有利阶段,索尼和微软最新的电视游戏设备供应充足,价格有所下降,游戏生产商正在推出能尽量利用游戏机新功能的游戏。

    What is more , the industry is in the sweet spot of the hardware cycle , when the latest consoles from Sony and Microsoft are in plentiful supply and their prices have come down , and game publishers are cranking out titles that better exploit their capabilities .

  29. 36家中国环保组织指责苹果(apple)未能解决对其设备零部件供应工厂污染和工人健康问题的担忧。

    A group of 36 Chinese environmental groups has accused apple of failing to address concerns over pollution and worker health issues in factories supplying components for its gadgets .

  30. 美国太阳能行业协会(SolarEnergyIndustriesAssociation,SEIA)表示,如果美国对中国大陆和台湾输美的太阳能电池板开征新一轮进口关税,那将切断低成本设备的供应,而这种供应是美国太阳能发电行业近年快速增长的关键因素之一。

    The Solar Energy Industries Association said that if the US went ahead with a new round of import duties hitting solar panels from China and Taiwan , it would cut off the supply of low-cost equipment that has been a critical factor in the industry 's rapid growth in recent years .