
shè jì wén jiàn
  • design document
  1. 用Visualc设计文件下载器

    Use Visual C # the Design Document Download A Machine

  2. EDA的一个重要特征就是使用硬件描述语言(HDL)来完成设计文件。

    A key character of the EDA is uses hardware description language ( HDL ) to complete the design document .

  3. RationalTeamConcert使用您的报表设计文件来作为一个或者多个报表的模板。

    Rational Team Concert uses your report design file as a template for one or more reports .

  4. 对EASE设计文件结构的探讨

    Discussions on the configuration of EASE project documentary

  5. 我收到什么酒店LOGO设计文件,以及如何使用它们?

    What files do I receive and how are they used ?

  6. 在服务器上驻留专用的网络服务程序来响应客户端程序的请求,在客户机上按照用户选择的目标设计文件的需要,通过WORD操作接口,将服务程序返回的数据写到WORD文档中。

    In the server , accepting requests from the clients was a daemon thread . In the client , through the COM interface , the data sending back from the serve were inserted into the word document .

  7. 这一综合性笔记本或者个人设计文件集(PDP)必须在期末完成(详见教学大纲)。

    This comprehensive notebook , or Personal Design Portfolio ( PDP ), is due toward the end of the term ( See syllabus ) .

  8. 指出PKPM软件对提高设计文件质量和工作效率的意义。

    Finally the significance of improving design file quality and work efficiency with PKPM software is given .

  9. 本文着重就中国先进研究堆(CARR)设计文件管理体系的建立、文件管理制度的制定以及对各类设计文件管理的实施等方面进行了阐述。

    This paper briefs on the establishment of document management system , the formulation of document management regulations , and the implementation of management measures for various documents in CARR engineering design .

  10. 学生的成绩将由课堂表现、读书笔记、作业、上交的个人设计文件集和LTA飞行器设计项目这几部分来评定。

    Performance will be evaluated on the basis of class participation , reading summaries , problem sets , personal design portfolio submissions , and the LTA vehicle design project .

  11. 随后用FLAC软件模拟了隧洞的开挖,经过计算表明,按照原设计文件的支护衬砌结构偏于保守,有较大的优化空间。

    Then we used FLAC software to simulate the excavation of the tunnel , calculations show that , in accordance with the original design file support lining structure is conservative , we can largely optimize it .

  12. 但是“自然肯尼亚”的PaulMatiku等环保人士说,缺少(肯尼亚环境法要求的)项目设计文件是环评过程的一个关键的疏忽。

    But conservationists such as Paul Matiku of Nature Kenya say the lack of project design documents required by Kenyan environmental law has been a critical omission in the assessment process .

  13. EDA技术的一个重要特征就是使用硬件描述语言(HDL)来完成系统的设计文件,这在电子设计领域已得到设计者的广泛采用。

    This paper introduces the design of traffic light controller base on EDA , one important characteristic of the EDA is that the design documents should be completed by the HDL , and it is widely used by electronic designer now .

  14. 该系统借助VB的强大功能和AutoCAD与高级语言的接口,获得AutoCAD的图形交换文件DXF,可自动生成剃齿刀零件图纸和工艺卡片等设计文件。

    With the help of the powerful function of VB and the interface between AutoCAD and advanced languages , the DXF documents in AutoCAD can be obtained and the design documents for the part drawings and technological cards of gear shaving cutters can be create automatically .

  15. 城市轨道交通工程筹划设计文件编制探讨

    Exploration of documentation of planned management for urban rail transit projects

  16. 将所有工艺设计文件和计算编入设计报告。

    Compile all process design documents and calculations into design report .

  17. 各专业执行的设计文件。

    Following are the design specifications carried out by each specialty .

  18. 保证产品质量的设计文件标准化

    Guarantee the standardization of designing documents for the quality of products

  19. 在设计文件中,挡土墙的断面尺寸一般有标注。

    In design files , the section size is often marked .

  20. 经批准的设计文件、施工图纸及相应的技术说明书;

    Approved design doecument , construction drawing and corresponding technical instruction ;

  21. 工程部-设计文件的编制和核工程标准。

    Engineering Department – Design documentation , nuclear engineering standards .

  22. 刍议《工程建设标准强制性条文》和暖通施工图设计文件审查

    The compulsory provisions of engineering construction tandards And HVAC construction diagram reviewing

  23. 锅炉设计文件鉴定中有关问题的探讨

    Discussion on Issues of the Appraisal of Boiler Design Documents

  24. 施工图设计文件审查质量控制

    Checkup Quality Control of Shop Drawing Design Document IT Application

  25. 我们把所有的设计文件都发布在网上,

    so we publish all the design files for the circuit online ,

  26. 客户规范将归入设计文件。

    Customer specifications will be filed with the design documents .

  27. 一种改进的产品设计文件编号方法

    One Improved Document Number Method Used by Product Design Files

  28. 施工图设计文件中常见问题研究

    Study on Common Problems of Working Drawing Design Documents

  29. 这就是被偷的设计文件?

    This is the design file that was stolen ?

  30. 设计文件核准人员,必须具有相关专业的学位。

    Personnel approving design documentation shall be degree qualified in a relevant discipline .