
  • 网络Policy variable
  1. 我国农业各政策变量对粮食产量提高的效果及对策研究

    Study on the Effect of Agricultural Policy Variable that Rising Grain Output and Countermeasure

  2. 定量的验证了货币供应量对当前股市的推动作用、政策变量对于股市波动的调控影响以及国内金融市场间资金流动对股指波动的影响。

    This model validates quantificationally that money supply has driving effect on stock market at present , policy variable has dominate effect on stock fluctuation , and money flow in domestic finance market has effect on fluctuation of share indexes .

  3. 选取的货币政策变量分别是:广义货币供应量M2的同比增长指数(M2)、金融机构的贷款规模(LL)、法定存款准备金率(RR)。

    Monetary policy variables include the year-on-year growth of money supply M2 , the scale of loans from financial institutions and the deposit reserve rate ( RR ) .

  4. 实证分析结果表明,中国的关税水平、汇率和政策变量对中国吸引FDI具有正的显著影响,而中国的开放度和知识产权保护程度对中国吸引FDI具有负的显著影响。

    The empirical result shows that the tariff , exchange rate and policy have positive and significant effects on inward FDI , whereas the openness and intellectual property protection have considerably negative effects on inward FDI in China .

  5. 在考察的众多的宏观经济变量当中,只有固定资产投资完成率、消费价格指数、货币政策变量指标M1和公开市场操作对我国沪深两市股票市场长期收益有显著影响。

    Among various macroeconomic variables , only Fixed Asset Investment Completeness Ratio , Consumer Price Index , Monetary Policy Indicator M1 , and Open Market Operation have significant long term effects on Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market return .

  6. 通过分析各货币政策变量对股价冲击的反应,实证结果表明M1对股价波动的反应最大,其次是利率,然后是M2,最后才是M0。

    Analyzing the response of monetary policy variables to the impulse of stock price , we find that M1 response the greatest to the impulse of stock price , followed by interest rate , M2 and M0 .

  7. 本文的研究方法和主要结论如下:(1)运用DCC-GARCH模型研究股票价格与货币政策变量(货币供应量和利率)波动之间的关系。

    The main study method and innovations are as follows : ( 1 ) Employing DCC-GARCH model , we find that the correlations of volatilities between stock market and monetary policy are time-evolutionary .

  8. 从政策变量到目标变量的数学描述及相应政策设计

    Mathematical description from policy variation to goal variation and corresponding policy design

  9. 第二,扶贫的第一推动力必然来自外生性政策变量;

    Second , the first push of poverty reduction is exogenous policy .

  10. 不同货币政策变量对不同价格的作用方式不同。

    Fourth , different monetary policy variables work on different prices with different ways .

  11. 如何通过战略和政策变量的选择来改变一个区域的创新能力?

    How does change the innovation ability of a region by selecting strategy and policy variables ?

  12. 第五章最后建立的虚拟政策变量综合计量经济方程表明货币供应量对股价波动的影响最大;

    The text established the dummy political variable equation , the m2 affects the stock index most ;

  13. 研究表明了我国不同货币政策变量的时间效应是不一致的。

    Thirdly , the research also shows the time effects of different monetary policy tools are not same .

  14. 前期资本存量与政策变量是美国跨国公司对中国大陆地区直接投资主要的决定因素。

    The initial capital storing amount and policy variables are the driving forces for the FDI of US multi-national companies to China .

  15. 将政策变量划分为连续性政策变量和离散政策变量两个类型,并分别采取不同的分析方法进行分析。

    It classifies the policy variables into successive policy variable and separated policy variable , and then it takes different ways to analyze them .

  16. 目前国内目将经济因素和财政政策变量结合起来的完整研究框架还不十分清晰。

    China is currently no one will be a variety of complicated Sutra : economic factors and fiscal policy variables combine a complete analytical framework .

  17. 文章考虑两部门(农民工和政府)、两时期(教育投资期和工作期)经济,构造基于职业风险、并纳入新政策变量的效用函数,通过局部均衡和比较静态分析揭示新政策效应。

    By the two sector and two period economic model , this paper constructs a utility function in which new policy variables and vocational risks are included .

  18. 这些变量确定了对学习起主要作用的学生、课堂、家庭和社区到起更末梢作用的政策变量如州和学区的特征。

    The variables confirm the primacy of student , classroom , home , and community influences on learning relative to more distal policy variables such as state and district characteristics .

  19. 通过脉冲响应函数分析和方差分解得出货币政策变量对股市影响较弱,利率对其影响程度相对较大。

    The impulse response function analysis and variance decomposition based on the VAR model show that the Impact of monetary policy variables on the stock market is weak , and the interest rates have relatively Greater impact .

  20. 根据1983&2000年美国跨国公司在华直接投资的经验分析,有关决定性因素的理论模型应该引入政策变量因素和汇率因素。

    In light of empirical analyses of the direct investment of American multinational corporations in China from 1983 to 2000 , a theoretical model of determinant factors should include the factors of policy variables and foreign exchange rate .

  21. 在所选取的货币政策变量之中,利率对股票价格的影响最大,并且股票价格对利率先是逆向反应,后是同向反应。

    Among all of the variables of monetary policy , the interest rate makes the greatest effects on the stock price . The stock price responses first negatively and then positively to the impulse from the interest rate .

  22. 调控中主要运用数量型手段、对预期和时滞重视不够、对政策变量的属性把握和功能定位不准更进一步弱化了政策效果。

    Such factors further weaken the result of monetary policy as : in the course of regulation mainly exerting quantity-oriented instruments , neglecting anticipation and time lag , incorrect orientation of the property and function of policy variable .

  23. 论文在农村居民消费行为系统分析基础上,构建系统动力学模型并在其中引入重要的政策变量以反映制度因素对农村居民消费行为的影响机制。

    The paper analyze by studying the system of rural consumer behavior , and construct the system dynamics model which be introduced in important policy variables to reflect the mechanism which affected by the institutional factors of rural consumer behavior .

  24. 又利用最近的数据检验了日本与我国央行对待资产价格的态度,和我国房地产市场价格与货币政策变量之间的关系。最后,我们得出了一些与现实相符的结论。

    Using recent data , we will test the attitude to asset prices of the central bank of Japan and China , and the relationship of some variables of our real estate market prices and monetary policy . Finally , there are some realistic conclusions .

  25. 从模型结果可以看到,乡镇撤并这一政策变量对城镇化的促进作用是有限的,其系数远远小于经济增长对城镇化的影响,因此政策因素之外的市场化的力量更应该得到重视。

    Can be seen from the result of the model , " the villages and towns merge " facilitation to urbanization is limited , its coefficient is far smaller than the impact on urbanization of the economic growth , so the market-based strength should be paid attention to .

  26. 同时利用方差分解技术,考察不同货币政策工具变量冲击对国内生产总值GDP的影响及其贡献率的大小。

    Further , we use variance decomposition technology to examine the contribution-rate to the fluctuation of GDP caused by the shock of different instrumental variables .

  27. 信贷配给影响了货币供应量作为我国货币政策中间变量的有效性。

    They all affect the effectiveness and its intensity of the monetary policy .

  28. 提出了生产部门与消费部门供求误差向量,引入了技术经济政策控制变量概念。

    A supply-demand error vector and a technical economic policy control variable are introduced .

  29. 我国货币政策经济变量传导的数量效果检验与特征分析

    The Quantity Effectiveness Test and Character Analysis of the Transmit of Economic Variables of China 's Monetary Policy

  30. 为探索货币政策工具变量对产出的影响程度,还通过脉冲响应函数来比较不同政策状态下的冲击效果。

    In order to study the instrumental variables ' influence on output the impact under different policy states is compared by impulse response function .